October 8, 2023, 2:50pm
UI Utilities
A plugin which features everything you need to make your GUI’s look nice.
Position UI
UI Stroke
UI Gradient
Text Scaled
Size up a GUI
This Plugin just saves time and you don’t need to click a bunch of buttons to add stuff in, as it happens in the click of a button with the plugin.
I dare you to make a bussin UI with your own plugin, then replace your current plugin ui with the one you made
I suggest making this a widget, that way we can use the viewport for developing the ui and not have the plugin in the way.
I’m gonna be honest here, dont take anything seriously.
It’s really easy to perform or add these actions to your UI and this plugin will not do much different then just do the same thing.
Actually a worse thing:
It takes longer to edit the properties from this plugin. You could straight up just edit the properties when you add your UI instance.
Just from the looks of it, this kinda seems like a more challenging way to use existing studio features. I wouldn’t use it but it could be helpful to a beginner.
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October 15, 2023, 9:49am
rare C-Kid-12 (Sea_KidTwelve) W
Also wouldn’t it be better if you do it all using the properties and adding instances instead of using a whole plugin to do so?
In my opinion this is absolutely correct. You could do both ways but the plugin does not make anything easier nor harder.