Free Webhosting for ROBLOX Users & Groups + Free or Domain

Um. The website won’t load for me for some reason

all of this, for FREE?
this is absolutely great! I love the interface and ease of use, everything looks amazing! thank you for sharing such an amazing tool with the community

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the only thing that really drops the ball is the discord requirement, I think a great alternative would be to make a verification system similar to Rolimons or Bloxlink, paste a phrase on your profile.


wait. You can access the website?

i accessed it a few hours prior to this comment, i forgot to give the feedback :sweat_smile:

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website has wordpress favicon, kek


I am looking to make a full interface on the website and move everything to do with registration from the Discord to a new web interface in the near future!

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Thanks for the feedback! I am running this free hosting service with very little cost as I already ran a larger hosting company that only has paid services, so it won’t be shutting down any time soon. I plan to keep it up for many years to come.

Like any other hosting service, you have to trust in the people running it. We also have a privacy policy in place for your rights and our rights as a hosting service.

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Thank you for the feedback and the suggestion! I will be sure to add Bloxlink later today. :slight_smile:

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Lol, I forgot to update that when I made the site.

The panel that people receive runs on a licensed DirectAdmin

Hopefully switching requesting an account to an interface instead of Discord soon

Could I possibly pm you to make an account instead of using discord?

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Sure! More than happy to do it that way

Interface coming soon for registrations/requests so people don’t have to join the Discord to ask for an account.

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Hello, the discord invite on the website is invalid


Hi there, thank you for your contribution! This seems better for Roblox group web hosting than any other free hosting plan/provider. Pretty sure would be taken more professionally than

Just a few questions:

  1. Can I use this to host a backend API for some plugin I’m working on? Maybe on a subdomain? I was considering signing up for the free plans of a combination of Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Heroku and just automatically select where to send a request to locally on the plugin and a weighted random selector. If this saves me the hassle of signing up and maintaining accounts with 4 services, I need this.
  2. The Discord invite link doesn’t seem to work. I have Discord, but could you either update the invite link or set up my account directly via DevForum messages? I’ll send you the group details if you want to do so on private messages. edit: just found the valid invite at the bottom of the site, but please update the one at the header, cc. @happxiier There’s your invite, in the footer.
  3. What does the bandwidth limitation mean? 15GB bandwidth per day? Month? Year? Lifetime?

This is by far the best hosting for Roblox groups out there!
On-topic joke hidden behind layers of hide details, open at your own risk. If you don't like humor on the forum, last chance to turn back.


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It should be fixed now. Let me know if there’s any further problems!

Hi! I’m glad you like what we’re providing. In regards to your questions, I’ll answer them in order.

  1. You should be able to host a backend API, although it really depends what you’re doing with it. You’re more than welcome to try it yourself and if you don’t like the system, you can always request that we delete your acc.
  2. Sorry about the Discord link. It should be fixed now!
  3. 15GB per month, which should be fine for most people. If someone exceeds that, we will look into the matter individually and most likely increase their bandwidth.

Hope these answers satisfy your questions!

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The only problem for me is How do I even sign-up…

It’s all explained through

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