Free Webhosting for ROBLOX Users & Groups + Free or Domain

This sounds extremely cool and seems pretty helpful!
Now I’m just wondering how you did this…

Did you use Docker?
What language did you program the backend in?

It’s all ran through DirectAdmin

Your discord invite seems to be down.


Yeah I hope they update it so I can register

It wouldn’t hurt to elect to use a more friendly alternative to “noob”, in spite of it technically delineating inexperience. This forum is a professional space for developers to mingle in, and as such, appropriateness is something that should be kept in mind.

Fixed. Sorry about the wait. Thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:

You do realize that anything referencing a new person which includes but is not limited to noob, newbie, novice, and rookie has been used in some way shape, or form to insult people. With that in mind, how would you refer to a new person in a field or the like without using one of those words?

The issue here is context more than anything else. Ordinarily using “noob” is not usually an issue - the problem is that it is being used to pass off this creation, somebody’s time and effort which they didn’t have to share with anyone, as something only of use to inexperienced developers who don’t know better/can’t make anything better. This discussion is straying off topic; should you have anything else to add, please feel free to message myself directly.

OMG, ty so much. I just got my free site! It is super easy and I just got WordPress installed.

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Wow, this looks great! I will for sure use this!

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We’ve made major changes! You can now request a website through without having to create a ticket on the Discord. (Thanks to @CodexJosh for creating this!)

(post deleted by author)


Pretty good website, you should also add more options to login (Eg, login with email). Other than that, it is pretty good! :wink:

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Thanks! Now maybe I can move away from my domain :slight_smile:

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Question @DoekeRBLX,

Will there ever be a plan for non groups/single developers?

We plan to use Open Cloud OAuth2.0 once it’s available. We’ve applied already :wink:


So I can use this website to sell my truck models to other developers for profit?

As long as it is in accordance with the ROBLOX terms of service/our terms of service, we do not mind what you upload. I will not be answering that question directly, but instead refer you to the ROBLOX Terms of Service.

Potentially. It depends if I can find a decent domain to purchase that isn’t going to kill my bank account lol

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Ok, how can I make it as a marketplace website? (When im ready to)