Freeze, followed by a flickering and delayed viewport on both the client and Studio

:warning: This report may trigger epilepsy, proceed with caution


As the title said, I’ve been getting occasional flickering and delay in the Studio viewport, and while playing Roblox games. This usually happens after playing Roblox or using Studio for long periods of time, possibly because there’s a sudden spike in resources or memory, but this time, it happened when I ended a playtest session. The only way to stop the flickering is to restart the app, but force quit is not required.

The problem always occurs in the top right and bottom corners, but never in the top left. Before this happens, the app freezes for about 2 seconds. Another thing to note is that this does not happen in ScreenGuis, the script editor or any of the other Studio tabs/windows.

When this happens, there are a few side effects that come with it:

  • Particles turn black briefly while moving the camera, even outside the affected corners.
  • The glass texture gets a strange shadow. This may be happening due to lowered graphics.
  • Humanoids turn black, but I only noticed this one in Studio.

Here’s a video. (Contains flashing lights)


This happens very rarely and will probably be hard to repro, but here are the steps:


  1. Open an intensive place.
  2. Perform a lot of actions quickly, such as playtesting.
  3. Hope that the bug occurs.


  1. Join an intensive game, preferably one that does things quickly and suddenly.
  2. Wait for something to happen.

Tip: The intermission in Rockets vs Vehicles 🚗 [NEW] - Roblox usually does it for me. I’m not sure why. No hate to this game though, it’s pretty fun when I don’t freeze.

Specs & dumps



If anyone needs more videos, I’ll be happy to provide them!

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The link I put above, Rocket vs Vehicles, did work, but it was in all 4 corners and there were no other visual updates, only sound.

At first, it looked like this: (it slowed itself down, in reality, it was much faster) [epilepsy warning]:

But after I switched windows to Chrome and back, it looked like this: (slowed down) [epilepsy warning]

Again, no hate to this game! It’s probably not their fault.

Could you please upload a log of a session where this happens? We would also appreciate if you could also upload a studio placefile that reliably repros this bug on your machine, perhaps the one shown in the video. You can privately upload a file to an issue and it would only be available to staff if that is a concern.

I created the dumps for Rockets vs Vehicles and put them in this DM. I’ve also added them to the OP. I will try to find another way to repro this since there’s not really a way to tell what’s wrong from just gameplay, but I still haven’t found a reliable way. I’ll upload the new dumps when I do though, along with a place file.

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