Freeze the client for a specific time

If you are curious whether you can freeze the client for a specific time(seconds), here’s the code.

I tried to make something like a delayer that is not dependent on the Task Scheduler and is more precise than task.wait(). Well, it didn’t work by the way as intended, because if the client is frozen it is not counted as a delay.
How is it working?
It overloads the CPU and measures the time that passed if it reaches the mark, it will release


local function DelayFor(time)
	local current_time = os.clock()
	while os.clock() - current_time < time do	end


function DelayFor(time: number) {
  const current_time = os.clock();
  while (os.clock() - current_time < time) {  }

If you have ever used it, or just have an idea where to use it reply to this post.
Very curious if someone will find the usage of that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Well, that’s quite cool actually. But the only thing I can imagine it being useful for is something like a timestop.


What’s the point of doing matrix computations? The frame cannot progress until all threads have yielded; an empty loop would surely accomplish the same effect.

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Well… i guess its good but you can just use Player.GameplayPaused

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Ahh, that would be a great one!
The current thread cannot write 'GameplayPaused' (lacking capability NotAccessible)

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You’re absolutely right. The first thing I thought was to perform a lot of heavy computations to slow down the client.

Computer freeze)