French translations for release page consistently get moderated, forcing us to use English instead

This issue is with our four-line release text that we update each week. It consistently gets moderated, forcing me to post it in English.

All other languages work without issue. The only thing we change each week are the four lines of release text. Everything else on the description page stays the same week to week.

Here is the text from today (Dec 20th) that won’t upload, both in French and in English:
:flying_saucer: Code A.D.O.P.T. :flying_saucer:
:snowman_with_snow: Adopte un guitroll, qu’il soit joyeux, vilain ou royal !
:snowflake: Habille tes compagnons d’accessoires hivernaux !
:bird: Adopte une perdrix pendant la 3e semaine de l’hiver !

:flying_saucer: Code A.D.O.P.T. :flying_saucer:
:snowman_with_snow: Adopt a Merry, Naughty or Royal Mistletroll!
:snowflake: Dress your pets in winter accessories!
:bird: In week 3 of Winter, adopt a Partridge!

And the rest of the description page is exactly the same as it’s always been. Nothing else changes.

I have tried removing all the text on the page and adding it in by hand. It has no problem with the text there until I try and add the four-line release text. Then it gets moderated until I post it in English.

I have tested this on three different browsers. And every week I try deleting the French, line by line to see if it’s a particular word or emoji, but it moderates everything.

Expected behavior

I’d expect French to be accepted. Any moderation that appears would be due to a specific word or emoji and not the entire four-line string.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Fun fact: If you delete the space that comes before the ! in French and then put the space back in, it fixes the moderation problem. We’ll be able to update now we know there’s a fix. (Probably the difference between a “null” space and an empty space for some darn reason)