I am receiving more error 268 disconnects than usual starting today (3/13) upon joining most experiences. During this time, I noticed specific parts of the experience, i.e avatars and avatar items, UI elements, etc. do not load consistently before I disconnect.
A baseplate game (fresh file with no additions or scripts)
IT Girl
I was consistently able to play in Retrostudio until the start of The Hunt: Mega Edition. Once I joined the lobby and disconnected frequently, I then joined NDS and Creatures of Sonaria, which crashed after some time. After this, I reinstalled Roblox after this and made sure to remove Bloxstrap in case it was causing an issue. IT Girl worked fine, but joining back to The Hunt lobby and NDS led to the same error 268 issue.
Edit to add that I also performed these actions recently, which only mitigated the issues for a bit:
Opened Command Prompt and typed in “ipconfig /flush” and “ipconfig /renew”
Based on a little bit of research, the specific error code 268 i.e. OnRemoteSysStats is a security measure used to mitigate botting. They’ve probably made it more strict due to the The Hunt. I believe it’s affected by system performance, so you could try closing stuff you have in the background as a temporary workaround.
I’m also having this issue. I am getting frequent error 268 kicks (these did not happen yesterday) and certain assets take absurdly long to load, while others load at their normal speed (this has been happening both today and yesterday).
Another bug which has started happening at the same time is that the sound engine completely breaks when I first join, playing sounds for a few seconds before going completely silent for around a minute or so. Perhaps this is related?
Thanks for the heads up. We made some changes on our end to hopefully eliminate these pesky kicks. Please let me know if you’re still running into problems.
The issue still persists, unfortunately. Joined the lobby earlier and things were fine, rejoined and it came up with the same issues before the error and disconnect.
I will append the logs of this session into the original post’s private message. Let me know if anything else is needed!
EDIT: I would also like to add that, when the game is in this state of failing to load avatar assets, UI, etc., upon closing the window the process still persists in the background (as if the game is continuing and struggling to load). Usually leads to error 264 if I try to open another experience before the process properly closes.
I am experiencing the same issue. Additionally, I have noticed that loading assets is taking an unusually long time, despite no changes to my internet speed.
I’ve been having this same problem on occasion. The same behavior happens before the crash. It’s not always happening, but when it does, the game will crash within no more than 2 minutes.
Been receiving kicks with error 268 as well whilst trying to play various games in The Hunt since yesterday, can’t really participate in it. I tried closing things running in the background via Task Manager such as update services, graphics tablet drivers, etc. and it still persists.