Frequent Groups Endpoint HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

I have also begun to experience this. Roblox support just emails a link to their new player guide on how to work around groups, creating them, giving a desc, etc.

My games are still being heavily affected by this issue, 10+ days after it was reported. Itā€™s disappointing that engineers havenā€™t yet looked into this.

Thatā€™s bad, itā€™s bad for me as I own a Ranking Service that I make profit off of and Iā€™m loosing profits due to this outage.

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I also ran into this problem and donā€™t know what to do(

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Hello, we apologize for the issues youā€™ve encountered. Unfortunately weā€™ve had 2 separate incidents, one on May 31st, and one late on June 10th that affected Groups API for a portion of the traffic. They have both been resolved but please let us know if you are still encountering issues. Thank you!


Thank you. I believe the groups API is fixed but Iā€™m getting similar errors teleporting between places in my universe and with the marketplace API.

Please let me know if these are separate issues which I should file a new bug report for.


We are also getting the same issue. All teleports are down.

The issues seemed to start over an hour ago now. It just recently resulted in a total outage.

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Hello @Cuyler that seems to be a separate issue. Can you please file a new bug report so that we can keep track of it? In the meantime, I have also provided the information to be looked at internally so that it can be resolved.

Still having this issue across certain servers in my game. Disappointing.

Any updates on this? My game relies on this to check different player permissions or check to make sure a player can join a team. Just now weā€™re experiencing a huge increase in these errors and itā€™s affecting gameplay.


Hello @JamesBlossoms and @bvetterdays we apologize for the issue. I escalated the problem and we fixed a problem with an unresponsive server that led to these Internal Server Errors. Please let us know if issues continue. Thank you!


Appreciate you! Thank you for looking into it. :smiley:

Thanks - these issues seem to now be resolved. Would you be able to put appropriate measures in place to try and prevent this from happening again? Itā€™s occurred at multiple different occasions throughout the past few weeks and is severely detrimental to my game and users, so a (somewhat) permanent fix that would mitigate the issue once and for all would be good. Of course, I understand there can be an occasional error here or there as this is a web API, but the sheer amount that have occurred recently is causing massive consequences to games that rely on it.

Nope, itā€™s still not resolved :frowning:
You cannot open any published/private places via studio as well. (Nor can you open the default places Roblox Studio provides you.)

This is a seperate issue related to different systems. This bug report is related to the Groups API only.