Frequently logged out

Every three days or so when I visit the ROBLOX website I find that my account is no longer signed in. It has been occurring for about four months now and despite me trying countless methods to rectify the issue nothing has thus far worked. At this stage I feel it may be a good time to ask for help with the matter. I do not believe it is an issue with my cookies since it seems to happen across all devices/browsers simultaneously. If anybody is experiencing this issue and/or knows how to solve it I would appreciate any help you may offer tremendously.

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Happens with studio too

[quote] Happens with studio too [/quote]Happens upon a new release of ROBLOX in studio as well as at the before mentioned intervals.

I am guessing it’s a security measure.

let me turn it off pls

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I always think I’m banned when it happens.


On a side note, every so often - almost daily, I get logged out from - even if I just refresh the page I’m on, it may happen. Trying to remember login information doesn’t work.

But yeah, I’ve had the same issue, just not on this scale (was logged out yesterday or so)

Protip: Check the .ROBLOSECURITY expiration.
As for the forums, same issue, annoying.

[quote] Protip: Check the .ROBLOSECURITY expiration.
As for the forums, same issue, annoying. [/quote]Already done this my friend, and I explained why this seems to be incorrect.

I get that, but my cookie very clearly expires in 3 days on both my laptop and my phone.

That 3 day expiration has been there for years. In the past though you did not get annoyingly logged out. How? The reason it used to work fine is that if your cookie was older than 36 hours and you visited roblox, roblox would issue you a renewal cookie with a new 3 day expiration. This meant that as long as you visited roblox every single day, you would never get logged out.

Recently though, the renewals have stopped working somewhat. Sometimes renewals are still issued, but not always. I have not figured out a pattern for why they sometimes happen and sometimes don’t. This is why we are sometimes getting logged out.

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That 3 day expiration has been there for years. In the past though you did not get annoyingly logged out. How? The reason it used to work fine is that if your cookie was older than 36 hours and you visited roblox, roblox would issue you a renewal cookie with a new 3 day expiration. This meant that as long as you visited roblox every single day, you would never get logged out.

Recently though, the renewals have stopped working somewhat. Sometimes renewals are still issued, but not always. I have not figured out a pattern for why they sometimes happen and sometimes don’t. This is why we are sometimes getting logged out.[/quote]

Ah. Never noticed as I get on ROBLOX about once a week nowadays.