Fresh Dentist Public Handbook

Welcome to Fresh Dentist!

Our Group
Our Game

We are a dental roleplay establishment, founded in December 2020 by ar3lle. With over 10,000 staff members, we are dedicated to improving the experience for all clients and visitors in our game. Additionally, we are an inclusive, welcoming and supportive community, aiming to making a positive, lasting impact on the Roblox Healthcare Industry.



Here at Fresh we have certain rules all players must abide by in our game. Breaking these rules will result in a consequence, varying depending on the situation and rule broken.

  1. Be respectful and considerate to everyone.
  2. Do not exploit.
  3. Do not spam.
  4. Dress appropriately.
  5. Common sense.

These rules are very simple, please do not ignore them. Also note: even if you are doing something innapropriate or rude that is not listed here, you may still be punished, hence it says ‘Common sense.’

Getting A Job

If you are interested in joining our staff team you will need to ensure you are a member of our group and then apply via our application center. HERE

If you answer enough questions correctly, you will be automatically ranked to Receptionist and you mat start working at the front desk. If you pass but experience issues when being ranked, please contact a Dental Board or above.


Here at Fresh Dentist, we have differing situations depending on your rank. LRs (Receptionists - Orthodontists) are required to attend and pass trainings to rank up. 1 training = 1 rank.

Once you reach the rank Oral Surgeon, you are required to be accepted into our Internship Programme and pass in order to obtain the ‘Trainer’ rank. Further information below.

When you become a Middle Rank and above (Trainer and above) you are promoted for being active and professional. There is also a cooldown period between ranks to ensure people are not being promoted unfairly.


Internship is a programme available to all Oral Surgeons. It opens every two weeks (approx) or when we are needing new trainers. When applications open to become an Intern, they are announced on the Discord and after 2 days all of the applications are reviewed and those that passed ar ranked to Intern.

From there on, they are guided through tasks to introduce them to the ‘Trainer’ rank and those that manage to get through the programme without fault, are ranked to Trainer, where they begin their journey as an MR.

Affiliate Information

We value our affilates and want to ensure that any potential alliances will benefit both groups positively, to ensure this we have a few requirements that all new alliances must meet in order to be eligible to apply.

  • A Roblox game.
  • 15,000 non-botted group members.
  • 1,000 Discord members.
  • Professional, active, and hard working staff members.
  • Organized, active, and professional group and Discord.
  • Your group must not sell any ranks with admin.
  • Must not have a bad background within the Roblox community.

If you meet these and you are interested in applying to ally with Fresh Dentist, please fill out the following questions in a google document and send them to a member of our Public Relations Department on Discord. Your application will then be reviewed and you will recieve your results via DM.

Please note we do not accept requests from Studios, Clubs (Fan Clubs, etc), or Theme Parks (including Water Parks).


  1. Please attatch the links to your Discord server and Roblox group here.
  2. Please provide a brief description about your establishment.
  3. Why would you like to form a partnership with Fresh Dentist?
  4. What benefits will both groups gain as a result of this partnership?
  5. What are your goals and why will forming a partnership with us help you to reach them?
  6. Do you agree to announce our events? We will do the same for you.
  7. Please provide the Discord tags and Roblox usernames of 2 representatives that will be representing your esablishment.

We regularly update our game to add new features, bux fixes to update old/outdated features. These updates will happen randomly unless a major change is happening, in which case it will be announced on our Discord server beforehand.

Thank you for reading our handbook and we hope that you were able to find what you were searching for, if not please don’t hesitate to contact a Dental Board or above for extra information, or visit our communications server. Handbook last updated on 26/4/2022.