Fresh Dentist Staff Handbook

This post is copied from the google document provided on the Fresh Dentistry Communications Server for those who do not have access to the discord platform.

Welcome to the Staff Handbook! Here you will find all the information needed to be an ideal staff member here at Fresh!


At Fresh, it is required that you wear scrubs when working. We are happy for these to be suited to your own taste and therefore have no specific requirements about colors, patterns etc. Scrubs are also available for staff members in-game so it is not required that you purchase any. However, if you wish to do so, they can be found in our group store.


When working, all staff members must use grammar at all times, this is to make the workplace environment more professional and organised. It is not required for staff members to use particularly extensive vocabulary as it can confuse clients and doesn’t alter the message you are trying to send, however of you wish to do so, you may.


We understand that everyone has their own personal lives and therefore we don’t ask for you to dedicate any more time to Fresh than you wish to. Those that are more active are more likely to earn promotions, however there is no specific game time amount you must achieve in order to keep your position. HRs and SHRs are expected to be active regularly, however that is explained in the HR and SHR handbooks.


We completely get that dealing with trollers or exploiters can be a stressful, scary or unpleasant experience to go through. As long as you try your best in these situations, that’s all we ask for. However we do have some specific ways in order to deal with trollers and exploiters. If you see a troller in your server, they first thing you must do is tell them to stop. If they continue you can issue them an official warning. Once you have done that, if they carry on, you may call an HR or SHR to kick them. If you see an exploiter, hacker or admin abuser, do not issue any warnings. Instantly call an HR or SHR for them to be banned.


Hinting is when a player hints at other staff members for a promotion. This is not allowed here at Fresh as it can sometimes cause other staff members to be out in awkward or uncomfortable positions. If you are working hard, you will be noticed and promoted. Hinting or asks for a promotion will most likely decrease your chances of being ranked up via being noticed.