Hello MRs and higher of FreshFlip Cafe! Please review this as it’s to make sure you do not abuse.
The following commands are commands your are not allowed to use. For MRs, HRs, SHRs and CHRs. (This also goes for people with Mod Admin, Admin and Super Admin.)
:respawn or also known as :res (Only use this when guests are in the kitchen area or restricted area)
:kick (Only use this when you have warned someone 3 times for an issue)
:ban (ONLY use this when you have kicked someone 3 times. Only Admin)
:fly (Not allowed)
:unfly (Not allowed)
:pm (Only for necessary reasons)
:m (ONLY Admin+)
:sm (ONLY Super Admin+)
:unadmin (ONLY Super Admin+)
:mod (ONLY Super Admin)
:shutdown (ONLY Super Admin+)
:cmds (Allowed)
:logs (Allowed)
:chatlogs (Allowed)
:ingameadmins (Allowed)
:bans (Admin+ only)
:bring (Allowed)
:to (Allowed)
:tp (Allowed)
:slock (ONLY Super Admin+)
:unslock (ONLY Super Admin+)
:joinlogs (NOT ALLOWED)
:h (Super Admin+ only)
:team (Admin+ only)
:gear (Not allowed)
:hat (Not allowed)
:gamepassinfo (Not allowed)
:iteminfo (Not allowed)
:speed (Super Admin+ only)
:unpbanuserid (STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED)
:pban (Super Admin+ only)
:jump (Admin+ only)
:shutdownlogs (Not allowed)
:sit (Admin+ only)
:ref (Allowed)
:god (not allowed)
:ungod (not allowed)
:ff (not allowed)
:unff (Not allowed)
:play (not allowed)
:volume (not allowed)
:pitch (not allowed)
:view (allowed)
:unview (allowed)
:unpban (Super Admin+ only)
:info (Admin+ only)