Hey! We meet again! This time, with tons more new stuff!
Today is a pretty significant day for Blox; the game is now stable enough to move out of early access and into pre-release. All of the major engine features are starting to settle in, so all that’s left is to fix the bugs, make tweaks and prepare for a full release.
The start of pre-release - 50% off!
Blox 0.37 (this new version) is the first pre-release version of Blox. In case you missed the original announcement, here’s how that works:
- The price of the game is now cut in half, now only 75 R$!
- Pre-release testers will get a special badge, separate from the early access badge!
- Unlike early access, pre-release testers will need to unlock blocks through regular gameplay, rather than unlocking all of them immediately.
- Pre-release testers will not get the same perks as early access players later on (this includes having your name listed in the credits, for example)
I’m now compiling a list of all early access players to include in the credits in the future! You’ve really helped make the game better over time, and it couldn’t have happened without your valuable feedback and reports! You’ll also likely get free access to the development versions of Survival once work starts on that, btw
Future things
Saves - they are one of the most highly requested features, second only to survival mode! While they’re not here yet, I’m pleased to announce I’ve designed an alternate system for saves which doesn’t require a subscription model! Expect to hear more on saves next update.
Also, I hear you on making the game free! I will be carefully considering what happens with Blox after pre-release, and may ultimately put this question to you guys. We don’t want griefers either!
And finally, because you keep on asking, survival mode isn’t coming this update, or next update. Survival will start development after the full release of classic Blox, so please be patient
Back to this update, what’s new in 0.37?
In 0.37
0.37 has been one of the craziest updates since Blox began. Players have been completely redone - hope you like them! - and so have all the controls. Aside from fixing the quirky movement (you could jump up two blocks?), you also get sneaking! Build over the edge of your stuff without fear of falling and having to walk all the way back up.
Thanks to the new touch support, I’m happy to announce that Blox can now be played on tablets! Now you can build anything you like, wherever you want! (just make sure there’s good WiFi )
Performance should also be a bit better this update - if not, feel free to tweak the new graphics settings to your liking! The default settings should be pretty reasonable methinks.
Finally, the long awaited moderation tools are finished! I’m currently going through the griefing reports now. Thanks for your patience!
Anyways, onto the changelog:
- Implemented remote and replicated entities, which could be used to simulate and render entities between the client and server.
- Removed the default roblox character in favour of player entities.
- Rewrote the camera logic from scratch to work with player entities.
- Rewrote the controller logic to work with player entities.
- Added touch controller support for moving, looking around, and interacting with the world.
- Implemented a new font renderer to replace the legacy renderer, to improve performance and visual quality.
- Added greater support for international character rendering.
- Added metrics support for fallback Unicode characters.
- Added legibility aids to the I (capital i), | (vertical line) and 0 (zero) characters to differentiate them from the l (lowercase L) and O (capital o) characters.
- Improved text wrapping to only break on word boundaries.
- Added a vignette effect, which would tint the edges of the screen when entering dimmer places.
- Added a suffocation effect, which blocks the screen when the player’s head is inside a block.
- Reworked player respawning to work instantly.
- Fixed a bug where void blocks would exist above the world instead of air, blocking collisions at the top of the world.
- Improved the visual quality of mass block render updates.
- Water now flowed every 5 ticks instead of every 4 ticks.
- Lava now flowed every 30 ticks instead of every 8 ticks.
- Added a graphics quality option to the Options menu, with fancy and fast settings.
- Added a render distance option to the Options menu, with Tiny (2), Short (4), Normal (6) and Far (16) settings.
- Fixed a bug with the internal game clock which caused the game to run slower than 20ups unnecessarily.
- Added stair physics to entities.
- Added sneaking to entities.
- Prevented the placement of blocks over entities.
- Fixed a bug where picking locked blocks would still show the block in the hotbar.
- Added two new tracks to the in game soundtrack.
- Removed ‘Invite friends’ from the main menu.
- Removed ‘Generate new world’ from the pause menu.
- Fixed a bug where you could not look directly upwards.
- Fixed a bug where you could not place blocks directly above the player.
- Changed votekick to require a reason.
- Votekicks are now logged for moderator review.
- Added the modkick command, allowing moderators to kick players instantly with a given reason.
- Added the modban and modunban commands, allowing moderators to ban players with a given reason, with an optional expiry time in days.
- No known bugs as of yet - the existing bugs all got fixed!
- (please report any bugs you find, there’s probably still a few hidden ones!)
Thank you for sticking with Blox up to this point, and I hope to see you again, with some long-awaited new features