Friend Activity Still Shows Activity Despite Privacy Settings

So I keep my “Who can join me?” setting set to “No one”. However the games I am in still show in my friends’ friend activity. Usually I play in some games alone, making it easy to track down what game I’m in. I had an incident the other night where a couple of my friends joined my game that I really didn’t want them to join. I left immediately as a reaction.

As you can see this is set to “No one”

However, as seen on a separate account on my friends list, the games I play still show up in friend activity.
Other accounts friend activity tab:

These are all games that I’ve played.
Main accounts continue playing tab:


Not a bug. The privacy option you opted out was “Who can join me?” This doesn’t mean that your friends are not able to see what games are played by you, it just means they can’t join you.



As other people mentioned, this is not a bug and it is an intended behavior.

This could be possibly abused if the user has only one friend, but if you have multiple friends, you cannot know, which one played what. Perhaps try filling Feature Request to totally block any activity if you have this setting on.