For some reason whenever i make a request to one of the friends count apis (friends, followers, followings) with my vps it lets me make one request then ratelimits (429), i tried to use a roblosecurity auth cookie with it but same result would happen.
APIS Affected:
Also to note i have seen a few bug reports like this made in the past and acknowledged by staff but the bug still is happening for similar apis.
Similar reports:
When trying to request the following endpoint from a DigitalOcean server, you are immediately rate limited (returning response code 429) after 1 request. When running the app hosted on the server locally, or just by requesting the API through a browser, this rate limit is not nearly as heavy. Is it intentional that this endpoint is essentially completely blocked from DigitalOcean servers?
Affected endpoint:${userId}/followings?limit=100&sortOrder=Desc
I not…
Since today, around 18:14 UTC, Roblox api (specifically groups one - ) started throwing rate limits.
For me it starts after around 5 requests, but it’s pretty random (I’ve messaged @grilme99 to ask if he can reproduce this issue, and he was rate limitted on first try).
Tested endpoint: (Refresh at least 6 times)
I’ve observed that limitation seems to be per IP. Sometimes a 200 code appears after 429, …
We use the endpoint{assetId} to download place and model assets for our deployment process. For nearly 2 years, this has worked fine, however about 2 months ago, this endpoint started throwing a HTTP 429: Too Many Requests error after a single successful request and would continue throwing this error for 1 hour afterwards. This only happens when the requests are sent from our DigitalOcean services, I have tried on multiple home and office networks and…
A private message is associated with this bug report
Yeah, my post called Friends API Rate Limits (the first one linked in your post above) was never resolved despite being acknowledged. The only way I was able to get around it was by proxying my requests through different IPs which is kinda annoying.
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thats just inconvenient bruh thats dumb hopefully they fix this so i dont gotta do that
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