Friend Presence Plugin Guide

Currently broken from Roblox’s update to the Friend API.

Might be fixed in the future

Friend Presence Plugin

A simple cosmetic plugin that tells you when a friend of yours goes online/offline.
Has a logbook, basic cosmetic settings, and a togglable friends list.




How To Setup:

When you download then install the plugin, it should automatically activate with a notification at the bottom right of your screen.

Next up, go to the plugin menu by:
[Plugin Tab] → [Presense Logbook]


When you open the plugin menu, the logbook will be the first to see.
This list will contain the friends that went online/offline with their time and date.
Plus the date when you installed the plugin, thank you again if you decide to download it.

Previous logs that match the same username as the most recent user will be greyed out, while the recent one stays glowing. (As shown in the examples)

The logbook will reset with you close studio and it can only hold a maximum of 31 logs.

Toggling Friends

Clicking the [Toggle Friends] button will take you to your friends list.

Currently, all the boxes are greyed out/untoggled meaning you will not be notified when they go online/offline

So, search around which friends you want to be notified of and click their box to make it glow/toggled.
You can search by username at the search bar above or click the arrow to search by display name instead.

Your toggled list will save within the plugin as well.


Clicking the [Settings] button will take you to the settings page.

The settings are explained in their little boxes and your inputs will be saved within the plugin.


  • Message me for any bugs that occur in the plugin

  • You can hover over your sound ID to preview the sound

  • The plugin friend is the one that notes in the logbook for you

  • Cats do not exist