Friend Request "Reason"

I have no clue why ROBLOX removed the “Reason” that was attached to friend requests. I guess probably because it was too bulky to fit in with their new theme, but I have no clue why they didn’t just add a “View Reason” in the Accept/Deny config box that would pop open a little window to see the reason. The removal of the “Reason” attached with the friend request feature has caused me nothing but trouble – I have to PM back every single person who sends me a friend request “Hi, why’d you send me a friend request?”, even if I put “PM me why you sent me a friend request” in my description. No one really reads the descriptions before sending friend requests, but popping up a “Reason” box before they can send a friend request is bound to result in me having to spend less time asking people why they sent a friend request.

Every professional site/program I have been to/used other than ROBLOX has a “Reason” attached with any sort of friend/contact requests – I don’t see why ROBLOX took it away. Add it back please :slight_smile:

What about Facebook and Twitter?

Yeah I kinda miss this. It was funny to read all of my random FR messages.

What about Facebook and Twitter?[/quote]

I don’t use Facebook, and Twitter doesn’t even have a friend system – it has a follow system in which you receive feed from the followed user (there is no reason to receive permission from the user to follow them.) You don’t have to look far to see the “reason” feature – just open up Skype and find a recent contact, then view all and view the first log.

You wouldn’t need this on Facebook because you would only accept friend requests from people you recognize in real life.

Adding somebody as a friend on Facebook is different to adding a friend on roblox.

This may be a bit of a generalization but in my opinion there are two types of people, those who accept everyone and those who accept only people they know. If I receive a request from someone I don’t recognize then it would be best to assume I don’t know them and I leave their friend request sitting there (so one day when they quit and only keep their close friends on their list I can accept the request and become a fraud). I think that a reason would not effect your decision on accepting someone enough to bother.

Add a limit to how many friends you can have o3o
50 for NBC
100 for BC
250 for TBC
500 for OBC
Nobody needs more than that

[quote] Add a limit to how many friends you can have o3o
50 for NBC
100 for BC
250 for TBC
500 for OBC
Nobody needs more than that [/quote]

I know Shedletsky likes having lots of friends. He asks them to add him as their best friend, then they get his status updates in their home feed. I like this functionality as well, so please don’t limit friends. How about letting me have more than 20 best friends? My home feed would have more use then.

As for the thread topic, I liked the reason too, although most people left it blank or just wrote “plz accept”, so I can see why they removed it. Very few people actually used the system properly.

I know Shedletsky likes having lots of friends. He asks them to add him as their best friend, then they get his status updates in their home feed. I like this functionality as well, so please don’t limit friends. How about letting me have more than 20 best friends? My home feed would have more use then. [/quote]

Ideally we need a follow and friend system. So you follow somebody to get their updates, and you can befriend them. Then it would also show who follows you on your profile.

This is true, and I usually end up denying the request anyway, but for some reason, people think friend requests are the best way to get my attention, even though we have the PM system, so I generally like to know why people send me friend requests so I’m not ignoring them.

[quote] Add a limit to how many friends you can have o3o
50 for NBC
100 for BC
250 for TBC
500 for OBC
Nobody needs more than that [/quote]

I know Shedletsky likes having lots of friends. He asks them to add him as their best friend, then they get his status updates in their home feed. I like this functionality as well, so please don’t limit friends. How about letting me have more than 20 best friends? My home feed would have more use then.

As for the thread topic, I liked the reason too, although most people left it blank or just wrote “plz accept”, so I can see why they removed it. Very few people actually used the system properly.[/quote]

yes, but why are feeds limited to best friends in the first place???

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