Friends, Followers, Following page rarely loads

Basically, whenever I go to check someones friends/followers/following list, (including myself) most times it just will not load. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and it does load but this EXTREMELY rare at this point. I don’t really know what I could do.

I have 71 friends and nothing loads (I try refreshing multiple times)


This issue has also been abundant when it comes to joining certain players. One time I’ll see that I can join a player, then I refresh 2 seconds later and it’s gone. Most times it will cycle back and forth, showing up and then disappearing. This could obviously mean they are continously changing their joins back and forth but I just don’t think that makes sense since when it does switch they’re moving in game


Mine do not on either mobile or on Firefox at all.

Fair enough. Maybe the issue is your browser / roblox client? I do not have this problem, so it may be your browser or roblox client. (I assume browser because the photo you showed was a photo of your browser.) Maybe try checking the task manager to see how much resources your browser takes and start reducing that intake, try redownloading your browser or getting a new one, or try deactivating any extensions you have that affect roblox (such as BTRoblox, etc.)

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Mine does at half. I mean like it seems to not work but then does after around 30 seconds up to an entire minute, if not two. Have you ever tried simply waiting few minutes?

I’ve had this same issue for a few months, I managed to eventually fix it by clearing my cache (a bit annoying but fixed the bug completely and haven’t encountered it since.)

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I just remembered that it did that to me when I clicked to not allow cookies from Roblox! I had misclicked. Try allowing them if they aren’t allowed already.

I had the and cookies allowed. I had blocked so I unblocked them but no luck.

PS: sorry for late reply

Tried clearing ONLY my cache, that didn’t work. After I cleared my WHOLE browsing history. Including files, cookies, autofill, etc. Logged back in and my friends list loaded! Thank you for this, its been very annoying having to deal with it.

PS: again, sorry for late reply

Great you fixed it! You may mark this reply as the solution so others with the same problem will find it easier.

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