Friends invitations unusually can be received from Studio while playtesting

When I playtest in one of my projects an public games on development ,sometimes I receive weird invitations that not should have anything to do in a development in progress

Also the friends invitations in studio, when you accept them, they doesn’t teleport to the invited game.

Friends invitations coming from Studio while playtesting annoys me a bit but im sure they could fix that

Expected behavior

The problems occur when I do the playtest and I see that sometimes invitations appear that should not have anything to do with a test of a game in development.

Heres an example image using my alt as friends to show the weirder problem :

The friend invites the busy developer to the game

And then the developer receives the invitation in Roblox Studio, weird right?

Oh well the problem happen because the file or game when playtesting ,is on a isolated server where TP to games and HTTP services and third parties doesnt work , But the only thing I see is friend invitation as some third party

The idea of friend invitation sounds technically right, since you play the actual game but on isolated server.
Its more sounds like design issues/misprediction rather than a bug.
Since it clearly says that you are Roblox Studio.
But its still funny to see that happen.

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Some creators use this behavior to test logic around invites and teleports.

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How is this possible but i was testing

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