Frizzled Bakery Alliance Information
Greetings! Here you’ll find helpful information about how to become an ally with Frizzled Bakery!
How to Partner With Us
First of all, we appreciate your interest in wanting a partnership with Frizzled. We are always delighted to form new alliances! Our current head of Communications is 2cadence1, who is in charge of all alliance information. We currently have an alliance application that groups can answer to become potential allies with us.
Once you’ve read over the requirements and answered the provided questions, please DM a communications member. You can see departments under someone’s role tab in the communications server. The communications and Corporate board will look over your application and group to make sure you make all the requirements. You will be contacted once we have decided to accept/decline your application.
Requirements & Standards:
Obtain at least 1000+ group members.
Must have an active discord, must be willing to talk in the Frizzled community server.
Must obtain 300+ discord members.
At least 2 people who can be representatives on our server.
Must not have anybody from your corporation that is blacklisted from Frizzled.
The group must submit the request in either a Google Form or Google Doc.
Can not sell any Management Ranks, but can sell Low Ranks/Senior Staff
Must have excellence in communication
The group must not have any atrocious history within Frizzled.
Must be organized. Have handbooks, organizational boards, etc.
Must be willing to announce all Frizzled-related events.
Must show support to our group.
Must have an organized Discord server (includes verification system, etc.)
Failing The Standards & Requirements:
- Failure of the alliance application.
- Termination of the alliance.
- Receiving a warning from Public Relations.
- Depending on the outcome, it can give you a blacklist.
Application Questions:
To form an alliance with us, you must fill in these questions with detail.
- What’s your group name? Provide group and Discord links.
- Why should we accept your application over others?
- Why do you want to form a successful alliance with Frizzled Bakery?
- How can you benefit Frizzled?
- What makes your group unique from other groups in the industry?
- What are some achievements your group has made? What are some future goals for your group?
- Define a successful partnership. How can you form a successful partnership?
- Who are your Affiliate Representatives? Send Roblox user and discord user.
Note: We do make member requirement exceptions at times depending on the group’s stability. All exceptions must be approved by the Chief Communications Officer.