Frost2yy | Scripting Portfolio | OPEN

Hello! I’m frost2yy also known as frosty. I’ve been apart of the Roblox Community since 2017 but started developing around 2019. I mainly specialize with scripting but I can perform other roles such as building, UI designing, and Graphics. I only program with two languages currently and those are Lua and Python. Within Roblox, I mainly script UIs but I can still perform other tasks.

Passion Projects

obby games with friends - Roblox

card games with friends - Roblox

Commission Projects

At the moment, I will only accept Robux as a payment, either through Gamepasses/T-shirt, gift cards, or percentages. You must cover the 30% tax fee. Unfortunately I don’t accept group funds as I would have to wait two weeks before receving my payment, this doesn’t apply to long-term work.
Prices will be decided depending on the task. Depending on how much effort, how long it will take, and due-date is how we will decide the final price.

Short-Term: 1000 R$ (Starting Price)
Long-Term: 1500 R$ (Starting Price)

Remember that these prices could be changed depending on the project.

If you’re interested in hiring me, you must first agree to my Terms & Conditions so you can fully understand what you’re agreeing to by hiring me.

Terms & Conditions
  • No refunds will be given, the only time I will accept refunds is when I received before payment and I wasn’t able to complete the task due to something coming up.

  • If you have a deadline set for me I may charge more as Rush fee only if you need it sooner then when I’d normally finish the project.

  • I have the right to deny and cancel any order that I don’t feel I can complete on time or something import has came up.

  • If at all the project I have made you just randomly stops working, I will take a look at it depending on my schedule but if it’s something you messed with and broke with I may charge a fee.

If you have any questions or concerns, let me know! Any feedback would be appreciated.

For the best chance at me seeing your request I would perfer Discord
Discord: colten#7216
Twitter: @frost2yy

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Thank you, I will look into it.

I am not hiring. I just saw two posts which were related so I posted it here so u can get hired.

contacted you on twitter :smiley: