Full Beginner Guide To Metatables - What are they and every metamethod explained!

I decided to make this tutorial because I was struggling to understand metatables and their capability for a long time. With this tutorial I want to help people who are getting confused and have a hard time understanding them and their power.

Introduction to Metatables:

Metatables are a powerful feature in Luau, the programming language used in Roblox scripting. A metatable is a special Luau table that allows us to modify the behavior of other tables. Every table in Luau can have an associated metatable, and metatables work through metamethods. Metamethods are functions that define the behavior of tables when specific operations are performed on them. Imagine them as events, fired when a proper operation is done. With time you will start experiencing the true benefits of metatables.

Let’s see how to set-up a metatable:

In this example, we create a table myTable and a separate table myMetatable . We then associate the metatable myMetatable with the table myTable using the setmetatable() function. setmetatable() also returns the table with set, in our case myTable, but we won’t look at it for now.

  • Example
local myTable = {}
local myMetatable = {}
setmetatable(myTable, myMetatable)

Note: The main table in this case is the myTable table

Now, Let’s Start Exploring The Metamethods, what they do and what is their purpose.

Metamethods always begin with “__”. It is like its own prefix that indicates this “key” is a metamethod.
As I said earlier they are functions that make the table more powerful. You can expand them, combine them as much as you want till you get the wanted result. Imagine them as events for that table.
Just like events, they fire when something triggers them.
You can find them as “hooks”. There isn’t really something special about them, you just have to remember what they do. Some of them you will use in almost every script, some of them you will never use, but I wanted to provide an explanation of every single metamethod that isn’t disabled by Roblox.

We will begin with probably the most used metamethod: __index

__index Metamethod:

The __index (index) metamethod is called when a key is accessed in a table that does not exist.

  • Purpose
    It allows you to define custom behavior when attempting to access non-existent keys. This is useful for implementing default values for missing keys or creating inheritance-like behavior. Always must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • key any → the provided missing key
  • Example

myMetatable.__index = function(table, key)
    return "Key '" .. key .. "' not found!"

print(myTable.someKey)  -- Output: Key 'someKey' not found!


We will continue with the next metamethod in the list: __newindex

__newindex Metamethod:

The __newindex (newindex) metamethod is called when a new key with a value is assigned to the main table.

  • Purpose
    It enables you to control the behavior when setting new keys in the main table. By using this metamethod, you can prevent unwanted additions to the table or enforce specific rules for key-value assignments.

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • key any → the new assigned key
    • value any → the value of the key
  • Example

myMetatable.__newindex = function(table, key, value)
    print("You can't set a new value directly!")

myTable.newKey = "Hello, World!"  -- Output: You can't set a new value directly!


Now let’s head to the __tostring metamethod

__tostring Metamethod:

The __tostring (tostring) metamethod is called when the main table is converted to a string using tostring() or print().

  • Purpose
    It allows you to customize the string representation of the table. This is helpful for displaying more meaningful information when printing or debugging tables. Always must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
  • Example

myMetatable.__tostring = function(table)
    return "The table was converted to a string"

print(myTable)  -- Output: The table was converted to a string


We will move to the __call metamethod

__call Metamethod

The __call (call) metamethod is called when the main table is called as if it was a function.

  • Purpose
    It lets you make the main table behave like a function. This is commonly used to execute specific code when the main table is called, creating callable “function-like” tables.

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • … any → the parameters you provided
  • Example

myMetatable.__call = function(table,  ...) -- in our case the arguments are going to be a number and a string
    print("The table was called with arguments:", ...)

myTable(1, "Hello")  -- Output: The table was called with arguments: 1 Hello


Alright, The next 6 metamethods in my list are really similar: __add, __sub, __mul, __div, __mod, __pow
They work the same but for different operations

__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __mod, __pow Metamethods

These metamethods are called when an arithmetic operation is used on the table.
→ __add (add) whenever a value is added to the main table using the + operator
→ __sub (subtract) whenever a value is subtracted from the main table using the - operator
→ __mul (multiply) whenever a value is multiplied to the main table using the * operator
→ __div (divide) whenever a value is divided from the main table using the / operator
→ __mod (mod) whenever on the main table is used the modulus % operator
→ __pow (power) whenever on the main table is used the power ^ operator

  • Purpose
    It enables you to implement custom arithmetic behaviors between tables. Must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • value any → the value that was used for the arithmetic operation
  • Example

myMetatable.__add = function(table, value)
    return value + 5

print(myTable += 10) -- Output: 15
myMetatable.__sub = function(table, value)
    return value - 5

print(myTable -= 10) -- Output: 5
myMetatable.__mul = function(table, value)
    return value * 5

print(myTable *= 10) -- Output: 50
myMetatable.__div = function(table, value)
    return value / 5

print(myTable /= 10) -- Output: 2
myMetatable.__mod = function(table, value)
    return value + 5

print(myTable % 3) -- Output: 8
myMetatable.__pow = function(table, value)
    return value ^ value

print(myTable ^ 2) -- Output: 4


Another operator: __unm

__unm Metamethod

The __unm (unary) metamethod is called when it is used the unary - operator is used on the main table.

  • Purpose
    To provide a way to implement custom unary negation or inversion operations for tables. Always must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
  • Example

myMetatable.__unm = function(table)
    return -5

print(-myTable) -- Output: -5


Now a bit more confusing of a metamethod, at least it was for me: __eq

__eq Metamethod

The __eq (equal) metamethod is called when two tables are compared using the == or ~= operators.

  • Purpose
    It allows you to implement custom comparison behaviors between tables. Must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • table2 table → the other table in the comparison

    Note: Both tables should have the same metatable function else it would fail

  • Example

myMetatable.__eq = function(table, table2)
    return #table == #table2

print(myTable == {["RandomKey"] = 4}) -- Output: false. Because our table 'myTable' is empty
print(myTable == {}) -- Output: true. Because they are both empty so they are the same length


We are almost at the end: __lt

__lt Metamethod

The __lt (less than) metamethod is called when two tables are compared using the < operator.

  • Purpose
    It allows you to implement custom less-than comparison behaviors between tables. Must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • table2 table → the other table used in the comparison

    Note: Both tables should have the same metatable function else it would fail

  • Example

myMetatable.__lt = function(table, table2)
    return table.apples < table2.apples

local tableL = { apples = 2, oranges = 4 }
local tableM = { apples = 6, oranges = 3 }
setmetatable(tableL, myMetatable)
setmetatable(tableM, myMetatable)

print(tableL < tableM)  -- Output: true


A little more to go, we will check out first: __le

__le Metamethod

The __le (less than or equal) metamethod is called when two tables are compared using the <= operator.

  • Purpose
    It allows you to implement custom less-than-or-equal comparison behaviors between tables.

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
    • table2 table → the other table used in the comparison

    Note: Both tables should have the same metatable function else it would fail

  • Example

myMetatable.__le = function(table, table2)
    return table.apples <= table2.apples

local tableL = { apples = 6, oranges = 4 }
local tableM = { apples = 6, oranges = 3 }
setmetatable(tableL, myMetatable)
setmetatable(tableM, myMetatable)

print(tableL <= tableM)  -- Output: true


Now a really interesting metamethod: __metatable

__metatable Metamethod

The __metatable metamethod is a special metamethod that allows you to control access to a table’s metatable

  • Purpose
    It provides a level of protection and encapsulation by restricting modifications to the metatable, making it read-only for certain operations. When you define the __metatable metamethod in a metatable, you are essentially specifying what value should be returned when someone tries to access the metatable of the table using getmetatable(table).

  • Parameters

  • Example

myMetatable = {
     someValue = true

print(getmetatable(myTable))  -- Output: table...

myMetatable.__metatable = "This is a locked metatable!"
print(getmetatable(myTable))  -- Output: This is a locked metatable!


One more to the last metamethod, but now: __len

__len Metamethod

The __len metamethod is called when the # (length) operator is applied to a table. It allows you to define custom behavior for calculating the length of a table. Must return something

  • Purpose
    To provide a way to implement a custom length calculation for tables. Must return something

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
  • Example

myMetatable.__len = function(table)
     return #table

print(#myTable) -- Output: 0. Because our table `myTable` is empty


Now the most confusing one: __mode
If you want, skip this one because you will almost never use it and it is hard to understand

__mode Metamethod

To understand this metamethod, we will first need to know what a weak table is:

In Luau, weak tables are tables that do not prevent their keys or values from being garbage collected. When the only reference to a key or value in a weak table is from the weak table itself, and there are no other strong references to them, Luau will remove those key-value pairs from the weak table, allowing the garbage collector to reclaim the memory associated with them.

The __mode metamethod is a special metamethod used in weak tables in Lua. It is not directly associated with a single table but rather controls the behavior of the table used as a weak key table or a weak value table.

  • Purpose
    The purpose of the __mode metamethod is to define the mode of a weak table, indicating how the table should treat its keys and values in terms of weak references. The use of weak tables can be very helpful in specific scenarios, such as creating caches or associations where you want to avoid memory leaks and let the garbage collector manage the lifetime of objects.

  • Modes

    • “k”: This mode indicates weak keys. When applied to a table, the table’s keys will be weak references. If a key is only present in the weak table and is not strongly referenced elsewhere, it will be removed from the table when the garbage collector runs.
    • "v" : This mode indicates weak values. When applied to a table, the table’s values will be weak references. If a value is only present in the weak table and is not strongly referenced elsewhere, its key-value pair will be removed from the table when the garbage collector runs.
    • "kv" : This mode indicates weak keys and weak values. When applied to a table, both keys and values in the table will be weak references. If a key or value is only present in the weak table and is not strongly referenced elsewhere, its key-value pair will be removed from the table when the garbage collector runs.
    • "s": The s mode I am pretty sure stands for string keys. It means that when a key in the table becomes weakly referenced (there are no strong references to it), the corresponding key-value pair in the table will be automatically removed by the garbage collector.
  • Example

local weakTable = {}
setmetatable(weakTable, { __mode = "k" })  -- Create a weak key table

local key = {}
local value = "Some value"

weakTable[key] = value  -- Add a key-value pair to the weak table

key = nil  -- Set the key to nil to remove the strong reference

-- At this point, the only reference to the key is from the weak table itself.
-- When the garbage collector runs, the key-value pair will be removed from the table.

collectgarbage()  -- Trigger the garbage collector

print(weakTable[key])  -- Output: nil (The key-value pair has been removed)


__iter Metamethod

The __iter metamethod is used to enable a custom iteration over a table using a for loop

  • Purpose
    When you use a for loop on a table, Luau looks for the __iter metamethod in the table’s metatable. If it exists, Luau will use it to perform the iteration, otherwise, it will use the default behavior of iterating over numerical indices starting from 1. Must return a function and an index, and a value argument

  • Parameters

    • table table → the main table
  • Example

myTable = {}

myMetatable.__iter = function(table)
      return print, 5, 3  -- the `print` function with a key and a value. Then this function will run. Now when it is iterating, it will print 5 and 3 -- Output: 5 3. There are functions like `next` which will return and key, and value

for i, v in myTable do


myTable = {
    {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, -- an array with odd numbers
    {2, 4, 6, 8} -- an array with even numbers
} -- now let's iterate over this array

myMetatable.__iter = function(table)
      return next, table 

for i, v in myTable do
    print(i, v) -- Output: 1 {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}; 2 {2, 4, 6, 8}

-- Now let's use our own function for it.

local function combine(a, b)
	return a + b, a - b -- It will return b added to a and b subtracted from a. If i have an input of like 7 and 3, the output will be: 10 4

-- I will have this `combine` function that will return the 2 numbers - a and b, added and subtracted from each other

--Let's change the `myTable` table, let's make it a number array

myTable = {2, 3, 431, 12, 2135, 4124, 19214, 1234}

--Now, let's add the __iter metamethod

myMetatable.__iter = function(table)
		local index = 0
		local maxIndex = #table
		return function() -- Adding our own function that will just keep track of the index of the table
			index = index + 1
			if index <= maxIndex then
                              return combine(index, table[index]) -- returning the key and value (the combine function returns them both (we are sending the index and its value to the combine function))

for i, v in myTable do
     print(i, v) 
end --[[
   for the first index it will print: 3 -1, (1 (index) and 2 (value) added, 2 subtracted from 1)
   for the second: 5 -1 (2 (index) and 3 (value) added, 3 subtracted from 2)
   for the third: 434 -428 (3 (index) and 431 (value) added, 431 subtracted from 3)
   for the fourth: 16 -8 (4 (index) and 12 (value) added, 12 subtracted from 4)
   for the fifth: 2140 -2130 (5 (index) and 2135 (value) added, 3 subtracted from 2)
   and etc.

That’s overall.


Metatables are a powerful feature and should be used judiciously to maintain code readability and avoid unnecessary complexity. When used appropriately, metatables can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of your Luau code. I gave a basic of every metamethod but that doesn’t mean you can’t expand it

As you explore and master metatables, you’ll unlock the potential to create more advanced and dynamic applications, optimize code, and design robust data structures, contributing to a more enjoyable and efficient Lua programming experience.

And remember, the whole power comes when you combine everything together!

I wish you to make the best use of metatables

This was everything. I hope I was helpful and you learnt something new. If I missed something, you can tell. If I made a mistake somewhere, you can tell aswell.

Happy coding!

Tutorial written by @DViktorT


Don’t forget to mention you can do this…

local table = setmetatable({}, {
    __index = blahblahlbahandsoon

…since setmetatable() also returns the table the metatable was set to. Personally I think this is a cleaner way of doing it. I think it would be a great addition to your post.


It is pretty much the same but I prefer the other way because for me it is cleaner when you have more metamethods. And I personally think beginners will “realise” what’s happening faster when it is written the way I did it. I may include it


Should I do a tutorial about generic types? There isn’t really anything that useful on the internet about them (or at least I don’t know about) and they are pretty awesome.


Overall a great post but I have a few corrections I wish to make

This is wrong, a metatable inherits its behaviour from a memory location that stores the metamethods table, this means it can be (slightly unusually, please never do this) manipulate the metamethods after the metatable is assigned

local mt = {__metatable = "foo"}
local t = setmetatable({},mt)
print(getmetatable(t)). --> foo
mt.__metatable = "bar"
print(getmetatable(t)) --> bar

__metatable defines what gets returned when getmetatable is called upon the table, it simply locks setmetatable if the metamethod is present

It can be set anything, even to a function (though it wont be called)

__eq __lt and __le (no quote)

These methods compare two tables that inherit the same metamethod function, not table. If these functions do not match, the operation will return false

When using ~= the return is inverted.


It appears that you missed the __iter metamethod (no worries, it isn’t documented)

__iter implements a generic iterator function that is used when iterating over the table

This metamethod has an unusual type signature so its better to do your own research on this

s on mode

There is an undocumented flag called s that shrinks the table when the collector removes weak items from said table


When I tried assigning the metamethods after, it didn’t work. (nvm, I tested it again and worked this time. idk what i was doing before xd)
I have heard about the _iter metamethod but looks like I forgot it probably since I was writing this at night.
I will look at it again and fix some things.
Thank you!


could you possibly add the self keyword

I’ve found this tutorial helpful but I was hoping to find self


when you set the metatable you can write self as an argument in the metamethod and it will work
edit: changed print to warn

local module = {}
function module.lol()
	warn "lol"
return setmetatable(module, {
	__call = function(self)
		self.lol() -- should warn "lol" when running module()

self has nothing to do with metatables. It is just a reference to an object.


This is truly a goldmine! Im working on a game and I have only been using metatables for custom classes and OOP. I was aware of the __add, __sub, __div, __mul, and __index functions, but I didn’t really understand their purpose.

This tutorial helped me visualize the power and potential of metatables and where they can be used. I struggled with using metatables because I didn’t know if I had too much or too little, but with your tutorial I feel as if i’m more capable of managing my code with metatables.

Thank you for this tutorial! :+1:


Since I was dealing with web development, metamethods are event handlers for me, like button.addEventListener('click',function(){} ) (If you know). That is, the action does not take place on metamethods , but on what they react to, which means on a regular table.
something like that

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When will we have to use metatables? I feel that alot of these metamethods are just to prevent errors that may arise (e.g. trying to call a non-existent key) or prevent values from being randomly added (e.g. the __newindex() metamethod), so I don’t see how this is a powerful feature. Sorry if there is something I’m missing.

I find myself doing metatable stuff pretty often, especially with classes, for example; if you have an Object with 3 values: (a, b, c);a and b being the sum of c (c is nil). If I want to change the value of a, then I also need to change the value of c, which is pretty tedious and could potentially create hidden bugs, so you could have a __index of c to sum up a and b for you!

example code
local Object = setmetatable({a = 0; b = 0}, {
	__index = function(t, k)
		if k == 'c' then
			return t.a + t.b
		return rawget(t, k)

Object.a = 5
Object.b = 8
print(Object.c) -- should print 13

and you could also “freeze” a specific key so you wouldn’t accidentally set it to something else:

example code with key freezing
local Object = setmetatable({a = 0; b = 0}, {
	__newindex = function(t, k, v)
		assert(k ~= 'c', 'The key "c" is frozen!')
		rawset(t, k, v)
	__index = function(t, k)
		if k == 'c' then
			return t.a + t.b

		return rawget(t, k)

Object.a = 5
Object.b = 8
print(Object.c) -- should print 13
Object.c = 15 -- errors

while yes, sometimes its for preventing errors, but also to lessen the chance of bugs appearing. Its not necessarily needed as you can substitute metamethod with normal functions.
In my opinion, its just for the developers to integrate their own functions into a syntatic sugar-like code

basically automation

if you’re wondering what does my example of c being the sum of a and b, I actually used this technique for my custom A* pathfinder to handle the node’s F cost


Thanks for this overview with examples!

I do have a question. If you define the behaviour of a metamethod, doesn’t that mean you can define it in any way you like? So a subtract metamethod - you can define that to actually add? That would be confusing but it’s possible right?

Really good topic, i always had difficulties with metatables, but with this i’m sure i can get a solid understanding about metatables.

saving this for later, thanks for the tutorial!

WHY IS THIS SO UNDERRATED?! Please keep this tutorial alive.

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