Full body rotation

Hey there Devs, I was just wondering,
How would I animate a full body turn?
What I have tried:
Selecting all parts and moving them in animation editor(not working)


You don’t have to select all parts to move the entire body. Simply select the HumanoidRootPart, and then rotate it around. That should solve your issue.

You can’t move the HumanoidRootPart afaik. The best solution is to move the torso (for r6, or lowertorso for r15).

You can have 4 keyframes or 2, representing a 90° turn and a 180° turn respectively of the torso

You can, actually. People have been doing it for ages. Your joints are kind of welded/centered around your HumanoidRootPat, that’s why a RootPart is required for every rig. (that’s why stuff such as HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame is a thing and it moves your entire body.

Moving the HumanoidRootPart also moves the entire body (head, arms, legs, torso, et cetera).

I haven’t realized that in the recent updates to the Animation Editor, your Torso (LowerTorso for R15) is automatically the Root Joint, forgive me for not double checking. Moving the HumanoidRootPart was definitely a thing, but eh; it doesn’t really matter. It still serves the same purpose in this case.

Anyways; back on topic, all you have to do is select the Root Joint (for the default Animation Editor, it automatically renames to the root’s parent, in this case, LowerTorso)


But for some cases in custom plugins such as Moon Animation Editor, the naming stays as the joint’s name, which is Root.

tldr; just move the torso (r6) or lowertorso (r15)

My Humanoid now spins to the opisite side then spins back around the wrong way.

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