Full Feature List

Keep in mind that on initial release most of these features will not be present.

:mage: Mage Tower (Unlocked at level 20) [Might get cancelled]
:policeman: Officer Tower (Unlocked at Level 60)
:military_helmet::rocket: Artillery Tower (Unlocked at Level 150)
:crossed_swords: Emperor Tower (Unlocked by beating SFOTH on hard mode) [Might get cancelled]
:package: Custom Skin Crates and Skins
:performing_arts: Custom Tower Redesign’s [Might get cancelled
:military_helmet: Custom Towers

:fireworks: Custom Events (Eventually)
Notable Events
:alien: Area 51 Remake [Might get cancelled]
:crossed_swords: SFOTH Remake (Hard mode, Easy mode) [Might get cancelled]

:handshake: AORTD (Attack on Robloxia Tower Defense) Collab
:muscle:t3: Custom Tower Reworks

Notable reworks
:alien: Commando (Unlocked by beating Area 51)

:zombie: Custom Enemies
:performing_arts: Custom Enemy Redesign’s
Notable Redesign’s
:alien: Area 51 Enemies [Might get cancelled]
:crossed_swords: SFOTH Enemies [Might get cancelled]