About Me
Hey! I’m Toast and I’m a small content creator on Tiktok. My content is catered towards showing new people how to get into developing so that they can make robux too. I have a small following of 41K and I’m looking to collaborate with some new games to help expand your reach.
My audience
My audience is 67% female and 43% male
English language
About The Job
I’m looking to collaborate with someone to help promote their game. It would be a equal exchange, I advertise and help your game gain players which would profit you, while I get content. The videos would be roughly 60 seconds long, and depending on the game, I’m willing to do several videos and or a “series”.
I won’t be requesting payment to advertise your game. In the past, people have provided me in-game codes for me to send out to my followers as well as funny abilities to make videos more entertaining and eye catching.
You can contact me here, or on discord, which is my preferred contact: Toast#4577