FullBody VR (Which is currently in it's alpha state)

I should’ve definitely posted this a while ago, but I just remembered now.

I’ve made a FullBody VR Script, for use in showcases, etc.
Currently, it’s not anywhere near it’s 100% polished state, which is a bit obvious with the video:

I plan on adding facial expressions, and a way to chat (somehow)
Grabbing items is currently broken but should be fixed soon.

This is not going to be opensourced, nor will any more of my VR scripts, as I don’t want my work to be stolen.

Thank you for reading!
- infiniteraymond


Big fan of VR, especially on roblox and what it can bring to the platform. This is pretty solid and I’m excited what it will bring for roblox! :slight_smile:


This is great, if you were to add a chat you could maybe make on an onscreen UI for it or something

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This is not going to be opensourced, nor will any more of my VR scripts, as I don’t want my work to be stolen.

Will this still be released in any of your games?

Most likely, because if not, then it’d be useless, haha