Fullsize mini map?

Iv never really worked with viewports before, and I found plums minimap system and it seems to work good for what i need, except i cant fullscreen it.

Iv tried resizing the frame (because the module spawns in a new gui into your playergui when you load in) from the game but it just stretches it out and doesnt look very good imo, not asking for a handout just some guidance on how to achieve my goal, thanks!


While I have no idea how it works, there may be a couple things causing your issue.

  1. You are scaling the wrong frame. There may be a Main frame (covers the whole screen) as much as a Holder frame (parent for a bunch of hierarchy), among others. Just look for the one covering exactly the minimap (and others that may be within different hierarchy and just happen to be in the same place in order to later scale them).
  2. Size and position. I think this may be your issue. To cover the entire screen, you’ll want to set the size to Udim2.new(1,0,1,0) (or 100% of your screen on the X and Y axis, the other numbers are for pixel offsets (good for dynamic UI scaling for mobile)). Additionally, there’s this little dot on the bottom right corner.
    Pretty sure this is the Anchor Point for the frame, which indicates on which part of the Frame it’s position will be 0,0. You can interpret as a dynamic way to set the center. This is useful for placing things relative to corners or ends of your screen (or other frames). It also allows tweens to have a bit of custom movement when they scale up and down. Pretty cool, actually.

Anyhow – It looks like this anchor point is set to 1,1, meaning that, for the frame to be in the bottom right corner, the frame’s position must be 1,0,1,0, but it’s a little offset (for instance if the anchor point would be in the top left corner, the position would look something like 0.995,0,0.998,0). Make sure to set it’s position to 1,0,1,0 for it to be properly aligned with the bottom right corner of the screen.

Please let me know if this helps, or if you have any more doubts! A screenshot of your full screen with the issue could help diagnose it too. :wink:

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So i ended up getting the fullscreen working, and adding blips aswell, but the blips aren’t working with the zoom in/out, since the zoom is using the mappart used in the viewport im not exactly sure how id align it with the blip gui?


UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input: InputObject)
	if not mapExpanded then

	if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel then

	local up = input.Position.Z > 0
	local currentY = MapPart.Position.Y;
	local newY

	if up then
		newY = math.clamp(currentY + scrollAmount, MIN_ZOOM_Y, MAX_ZOOM_Y)
		newY = math.clamp(currentY - scrollAmount, MIN_ZOOM_Y, MAX_ZOOM_Y)

	-- Update the Y position
	MapPart.Position = MapPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, newY - currentY, 0)