Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a new model for a recreated version of the racing game I’ve been working on since 2011.
Here is the “classic” kart model:
And here is the new model I have been working on, using full-coverage SurfaceGuis and ImageLabels:
I haven’t yet worked much on front end shading or contingencies (you know, those teeny tiny decals all NASCAR cars have on the front and sides) because they are a painstaking pain in the stake to put together.
Of importance here: only four images are on this car. The base color, the sponsors, the numbers, and the shading each have their own single texture sheet. I can make other base colors, other sponsors, other numbers, other shadings, and mix and match them… even in-game.
I do wish that I could do this with Decals instead of ImageLabels; it would make it look a whole lot better in several ways, including lighting – SurfaceGuis are not shaded or lit the way surfaces and decals are. Also, it would remove the gap between faces that I have had to hack my way around and not entirely remove. And finally it would most likely make it a little sharper.
But I will gladly take the advantages along with the disadvantages. I can make 10 different schemes with only 31 total uploaded images and then have 1,000 different combinations.
I decided to work on a rather simpler, older model of car so as to have decent looking full-body shading without having to bang my head for too long over the new super-curvy, super-stock cars they’ve had since 2013. This is the sort of prettiness that the front end is supposed to have.
Also gives a perfect example of how I can mix-match layers to create custom hybrid cars.