Fun magic spell ideas

I’m planning on making a spell education system. It basically goes like this:

Attend a class period, and you get education points, (think skill points) and then you use those points to learn spells.

My issue is, i want fun spells to use purely for recreational purposes, fighting other players and whatnot, but at the same time:

They cannot provide a boost of any sort to the player that could help them in completing quests quicker or reach restricted parts of the map. This means NO SPEED BOOSTS, NO JUMP BOOSTS, ECT.

Thank you all!


The ‘Baloney Boost’.
When activating the spell, it provides a boost that helps complete quests faster or reach restricted parts of the map; e.g. by giving a speed boost and jump boost and more humanoid-modifying attributes.

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With all due respect, this spell specifically does the things this poster asked for it not to do.

Thanks for the useful idea man :japanese_ogre:

You could try different types of cosmetic spells. How about spells that change the player’s color, size (but not the hitbox size), or outfit? Maybe some spells that create trails or particle effects that follow the player. You could also make a spell that creates a glowing light around the player. You could also add a spell that summons a creature, like a pet, that follows the player around.

For recreational combat spells, you could always go with the classic stun or freeze spell. It temporarily immobilizes opponents without causing damage (or maybe it does). For me, I feel like this would open up strategic combat. Maybe a spell that teleports or shifts an opponent a short distance to disorient them? Of course, you’d need to set up a safeguard so that this spell is not abused to enter prohibited or glitched areas. It would help if we could see the type of map we’re dealing with.

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thanks, I’ll take a few screenshots for you all to see when I can.


here’s a few images of the map.

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