Fun, new shooter game!

New Game: Strateshoot!
I have reached the beta stage of my indie + freelance builder game. The scripts were all done by me with the maps being created by members of the community.

It’s now time for me to share it with the world! Please follow this link: Strateshoot [Beta] - Roblox
and have fun!

PS: I should probably let you know what it’s about! :wink:
Formed from a concept I invented with nerf guns, Strateshoot is a multiplayer shooter game that relies more on strategy and skill than shoot-em-up. From the limited bullets to the one-teamed CTF, this game will keep you engaged!

An offense team must bring a flag from the defense’s base back to their side without being shot. Should a player run out of bullets, good luck! (should’ve aimed better).

Thanks and Enjoy! :smile:


Had a quick play.
Not much to do whilst waiting for more players.
Just how many players are needed?
Did have a swim now the water is swimmable so thanks for that.


Yeah, the lobby needs some more work. Currently only two players are needed for a match.

(My fourth post on the forum yay)
This game looks really good! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you!
(Welcome to the forum!)

Thank you! I agree, I should add some more audio. I just usually play games with audio off so I don’t realize it. :wink:

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Update: the game now has audio and a fresh set of GUI’s. Enjoy!

Sadly I couldn’t test your game but it seems to be nice

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