Fun with Freeway Interchanges

So while putting together this convoluted highway interchange I found a really neat vantage point from which you can see the skyline with a few of the viaducts sweeping in front of it.

The fact that I’ve been able to improve to the point of creating sweeping freeway ramps like this makes me so happy because this kinda stuff is frickin awesome to me. :stuck_out_tongue:


kinda surprised at the number of bricks you’re willing to spend on them

and also you should have the distance roll over to the next brick, because having those tiny itty bitty stubs of dashed lines is unflattering in my opinion.

[quote] kinda surprised at the number of bricks you’re willing to spend on them
and also you should have the distance roll over to the next brick, because having those tiny itty bitty stubs of dashed lines is unflattering in my opinion. [/quote]

Edit: I shouldn’t have said anything here. It should have been a Private Message if I felt this way. Spacek was just giving feedback and this is a great thread for feedback to be given.

[strike]I think you’re being too picky. It looks great considering that each brick is being rotated on three axes. I see you always making these type of comments for anybody and I find it not very helpful. We’re talking a fraction of stud problems that you’re pointing out. The builder knows they exist. I never hear anything positive from you. [/strike]

Looks fantastic Alex! Very organic shapes. It’s like a real picture and I’m guessing that takes a lot of planning! How big is your city?

I think you misunderstood what I said. I was saying (in less words) that “it looks great but I think the number of bricks used may be a little much from looking at the photo, given that the driving places are typically expansive. I would have chosen a more blocky look because I favor performance over most aesthetics.”

I see you always making these type of comments for anybody and I find it not very helpful. We’re talking a fraction of stud problems that you’re pointing out. The builder knows they exist. I never hear anything positive from you. [/quote]
I was referring to those guys, which got covered up by lines in my edit.

Of course, I had misunderstood their purpose when I posted. I had thought they were leftovers from a dashed-line generation script, but after taking a closer look I realized they’re actually retroreflectors, which means they are actually intended to be present.

As for being overly negative, I don’t know. I don’t think think what I posted was overly negative, I was trying to give constructive feedback because I know I like that more than a simple “good” or “nice job.” Obviously, my recent ratio of positive:negative posts has decreased because of the UI update, but I don’t think that accurately describes my overall ratio of positive:negative posts. I did a scan of posts in the ‘Look at this Cool Creation’ subforum, and for the most part they’re either neutral, positive, or ironic. I didn’t find any that would be considered negative except for the one you pointed out and potentially the ones where I was defending my forced perspective build. I think I’ve given them a fair assessment, but whether a post is positive or negative is open to interpretation (as this response has demonstrated).

[quote] kinda surprised at the number of bricks you’re willing to spend on them

and also you should have the distance roll over to the next brick, because having those tiny itty bitty stubs of dashed lines is unflattering in my opinion. [/quote]

I think you’re being too picky. It looks great considering that each brick is being rotated on three axes. I see you always making these type of comments for anybody and I find it not very helpful. We’re talking a fraction of stud problems that you’re pointing out. The builder knows they exist. I never hear anything positive from you.

Looks fantastic Alex! Very organic shapes. It’s like a real picture and I’m guessing that takes a lot of planning! How big is your city?[/quote]

  1. Let’s not make this thread a flamewar - let’s agree keep this discussion of the OP and the comments mature. We can do it. :slight_smile:

That said, I didn’t really think Spacek’s comment was rude. If I was the OP I wouldn’t mind having that comment posted at all. Maybe it was an oversight of mine or perhaps I didn’t know exactly how to conquer it. It’s not like Spacek was saying “ew that’s horrible what are you doing you bloxtard” or anything - he was stating in a very nice way what he thought would make a cool thing even cooler (he DID state that it was just his opinion). I wouldn’t call that overly negative. More of a friendly “hey maybe try this?”.

I get what you’re saying, too - I just personally wouldn’t jump onto something minor like that. :blush: Different people view things differently though. Live and let live?

That said: OP, that looks amazing. Like GTA amazing. The roads look smooth and realistic and I’d frankly love to give those a whirl in a zippy car. Keep it up and make that city a sprawling urban mess. I’d love to explore it sometime. :smiley:

That’s a nice highway system. Did you use CMDutl to make it?

Dang dat highway system is legit.

I used Quenty’s plugin version of Cmdutl for this. It makes the process so much quicker if you set things up correctly.

The city in the picture is planned to sprawl across two separate games wedged in between a tall ridge and a bay. I haven’t gotten much of the city itself completed yet, but I’ve finished much of the surrounding suburban/rural areas to the south and southwest.