Funcaptcha puzzle images don't load and the timer is too unforgiving

Issue Description
I’m having trouble with the captcha type described below in the image.
The problem is that most of the time it is almost impossible to complete it as a child, because of the timer goes really fast and the ammount of times that need to repeat the process, i think the images is not hard to dicern, but its too fast, or the images themselves do not load over in time limit (most of for people with lower internet). I usually see a static captcha and wait the images load, never had problems with this type.

This problem still occurs under any conditions, because this is a problem in captcha itself, not in the browser. But I tested on some browsers like chrome and firefox, and every time this type appeared, the same problem was seen.

(The image says “Please choose one” in portuguese and the timer wont wait the images to load itself)

The problem persists?
I tried to update a few times the page and all that this type of captcha appeared, I had the same problem, as well as other people who came to me for help.

Are there steps that reproduce the bug? and where?
This happens in any part of the site that has a trigger for captcha, like Group Walls and Group Join.

Probably a Solution?
A way to solve that is simple dont have this type of captcha, or have it only for possible bots detected by the system.

Some points about how this impact for me:
Loss of Engagement: Most of the times the players give up and leave the page, or come to me take about that problem.
Difficulty: I dont feel like a kid will be able to do this at time.
User Experience: Many with internet not so powerful (like me) also have problems with that, and the images end up loading near the maximum time.