Just why. Now let’s say I want to make a plugin, which you have to pay for, and keep your source code safe (which was, I just want to make a plugin), but now just like that, a person with bad intentions comes in and wants to steal the same plugin, post it on the PluginMarket, only he does it for free and saws that he did it and I just copied it. This situation sounds pretty absurd, but unfortunately it is thanks to this feature:
So how could you solve this problem? I have added a few possibilities here because I would like to know what you would do.
Thanks for reading! In case I’m wrong, you are free to choose.
- Create a web application, with the verification that the user who uses it has purchased even just the plugin
- Hiding the data by the Instance:SetAttribute(string, Variant) and Instance:GetAttributes() functions
- I don’t know anything more, further ideas can be placed below at any time
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