Function not inserting maps into table?


So while testing this Voting system where in the function, it picks 3 random maps and adds them into the table.

Whats the Issue?

The issue is that its only adding one map
What is happening?

function MapSys:OpenVoting()
	table.clear(MapSys.Table) -- Removes Maps from table
	local children = MapSys.Directory:GetChildren() -- Gets List of maps

	for i = 1,MapSys.Max do task.wait()
		local map = children[math.random(1, #children)] -- Random Map
		if #MapSys.Table == MapSys.Max then break end -- maybe useless
		if not table.find(MapSys.Table, map) then -- if map not found in table
            table.remove(MapSys.Table table.find(MapSys.Table,map)) -- deletes map copy
			table.insert(MapSys.Table, map) -- inserts map
			print(map) -- prints map
	print(MapSys.Table) -- prints table


  03:02:03.920  Map5  -  Server - VoteLib:22
  03:02:03.937  Map1  -  Server - VoteLib:22
  03:02:03.953  Map4  -  Server - VoteLib:22
  03:02:03.954   ▼  {
                    [1] = Map4 -- Why only one map?
                 }  -  Server - VoteLib:26

I’m probably blind

I believe this is the problem: if #MapSys.Table == MapSys.Max then break end . This line is breaking the loop once the number of maps in the MapSys.Table table reaches MapSys.Max . Since MapSys.Max is set to 1 , the loop only runs once and only one map gets added to the table.

You can either increase the value of MapSys.Max to be higher than 1 or remove the break statement so that the loop can continue running and adding maps until the MapSys.Table table is full.

Also table.remove(MapSys.Table table.find(MapSys.Table,map)) is incorrect. The table.remove() function takes two arguments: the table and the index of the element to be removed. In this case, you’re trying to pass in table.find(MapSys.Table,map) as the index, but table.find() returns a boolean value indicating whether the element was found in the table, not the index of the element. To remove an element from a table by its value, you could try this:

local index = table.find(MapSys.Table, map)
if index then
  table.remove(MapSys.Table, index)
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Shouldve provided more:

MapSys.Directory = game.ServerStorage.Maps -- Location of Maps
MapSys.Table = {} -- table to store maps
MapSys.Max = 3 -- Max maps inside the table

function MapSys:OpenVoting()
	local children = MapSys.Directory:GetChildren()
	for i = 1,MapSys.Max do task.wait()
		local map = children[math.random(1, #children)]
		if not table.find(MapSys.Table, map) then
			--table.remove(MapSys.Table, MapSys[map])
			table.insert(MapSys.Table, map)
			table.remove(children, table.find(children, map))

either way i fixed it, all i had to do was replace the Table and remove items from the GetChildren table

@Arylist that if statement was useless as the for loop only ran 3 times

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