Function not running when I leave the game

I have a function that doesn’t run when the player leaves the game.

The datastore function does run, so the function is supposed to run too.

	SpawnBackpack(plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory"), plr, plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait())
	local profile = ProfileManagerModule.Profiles[plr]
	if not profile then return end
	print("player left")

The SpawnBackpack function doesnt work nor the print

Any ideas to run fix it or make it so when the player leaves, the function runs?

Thank you

Possibly an error of the SpawnBackpack function, or an infinite yield (possibly the cause of plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()), or you can try using game.BindToClose instead.

More debug and information is needed so can’t help much, sorry

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There is no issue with the function. I ran the function earlier in the code and theres no issue. There is no error (for yield). Doesnt BindToClose launch when the server itself is shutting down?

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If I recall correctly, any function connected to BindToClose delays the shutting down of the server for at most a minute to allow the functions to finish any job.

If the functions ended early, so too does the server. If one or more functions did not stop until a minute, however, the server will shut down and the functions won’t be able to finish their jobs.

I mean, even if what you say is true, BindToClose won’t help the issue in my script. I tried leaving the game (with my alt inside) and it didn’t work at all. Plus, the function is ONLY useful if there’s other players in the game, so there’s no point of using BindToClose.

Have you run this in Studio? This should work when testing online.

You can refer here.

I have ran it on studio AND in game. Both times it didn’t work

Can you put the print at the top so you can see if it actually runs?

How did you use BindToClose? As a reminder, it’s not an event, but a function (as in game:BindToClose(function() ... end).

if the PlayerRemoving event runs?

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Yea, since you have an if statement return if the profile doesnt exist, we wont know exactly if the event isnt running or its just because of that if statement.

I didn’t use it in my script. I used ProfileService for saving data and I see that there is some issue with when the player leaves the server and comes back (the server says that the player is still in the session so idk maybe there is an issue with PlayerRemoving after all)

I’m not sure if you’re thinking game:BindToClose() is a data saving function, because this is how it’s used:

local Save = function(plr)
	SpawnBackpack(plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory"), plr, plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait())
	local profile = ProfileManagerModule.Profiles[plr]
	if not profile then return end
	print("player left")

game:BindToClose(Save) -- Bind the save function to when the server is shutting down.

I know what BindToClose() does. I thought u meant if I used it in my script → no I didn’t. ProfileService should be the one to handle it.

	print("player removing launched")
	SpawnBackpack(plr:FindFirstChild("Inventory"), plr, plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait())
	local profile = ProfileManagerModule.Profiles[plr]
	if not profile then return end

It does run, however the function doesn’t run and it errors when the player joins again (the profile service errors again)

What is Line 87? Is it on the code snippet you have provided?

Says because of ProfileService.

It was the function from ProfileService that loads the data

but I ran the function before the ProfileService no?

You should have a look at the docs for Player.CharacterAdded
It is an event with a single argument, the Character of the player.
Also, Player.Character can be nil if the player doesn’t have a character, so you should handle that case too.
Finally, you need to handle the case where the player leaves the game while the character is loading (which should be rare).
So, we can rewrite your code as follows:
local playerHasCharacter = false
local characterChangedEvent = plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character)
playerHasCharacter = true
SpawnBackpack(plr:FindFirstChild(“Inventory”), plr, character)
if not playerHasCharacter then
– No character found, so use a timeout to handle the case
– where the player leaves while the character is loading
if not playerHasCharacter then
– Character wasn’t added after 2 seconds, so it’s probably not going to be added
SpawnBackpack(plr:FindFirstChild(“Inventory”), plr, nil)
local profile = ProfileManagerModule.Profiles[plr]
if not profile then return end
print(“player left”)