local function SetClass(screen)
local stop = false
for i, v in pairs(screen.Classes:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Frame") then
if not stop then
print("Changed size of the class")
local currentSize = v.Size.X.Scale
local remainingSize = math.abs(0.275 - currentSize)
local duration = (remainingSize / 0.025) / 4
ChangeSize(v, UDim2.new(0.275, 0, 0.935, 0), duration, stop)
if input.UserInputType == (Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Enum.UserInputType.Touch) and not stop then
print(not stop)
if passes[v.Name] then
if MarketPlaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(player, passes[v.Name]) then
ticketInfos.class = v.Name
print("Changed class")
MarketPlaceService:PromptPurchase(player, passes[v.Name])
ticketInfos.class = v.Name
stop = true
print("Stop variable has been set to true")
repeat wait() until stop
local currentPos = screen.Passeport.Position.X.Scale
local remainingPos = math.abs(0 - currentPos)
local duration = remainingPos / 1 / 2
ShowGui(screen.Passeport, UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.5, 0), 5)
TweenService:Create(screen.LoadingScreen.Chargement, TweenInfo.new(0.6, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0, true), {TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
screen.LoadingScreen.Chargement.Text = "Veuillez scanner votre passeport"
But when the “stop’” variable is true, the MouseEnter and InputBegan can still continue running even with a if statement, here’s a video to understand, if I click really fast, it will change the class, and after the stop variable has been set to true, the MouseEnter function still run but doesn’t print “Changed size of the class” but changes size of the class, like it is dodging the print fuction
i’m pretty sure this is because you :Connect, but never disconnect
essentially, connection gets created and it will stay connected until you tell it to disconnect
try adding 2 variables like connection1 and connection2, basically:
local con1 = nil
local con2 = nil
con1 = mouseenter...
con2 = inputbegan...
-- // Put these two at the end of the function
I tried, but it didn’t worked, I think it’s because of the loop, but normally, the stop variable should prevent the function from running, because the variable is global to the loop, but I still don’t know why it’s doing that.
As @nots7d pointed out, this is likely due to connections not disconnecting. The stop variable indeed prevents certain actions from occurring within the event handlers, but it does not prevent the handlers themselves from being executed.
I’ve added a table called connections to store all event connections.
Storing Connections: Each :Connect call is stored in the connections table.
Disconnecting Connections: Once stop is set to true, all stored connections are disconnected by iterating over the connections table.
local function SetClass(screen)
local stop = false
-- Store connections to disconnect them later
local connections = {}
for i, v in pairs(screen.Classes:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Frame") then
table.insert(connections, v.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
if not stop then
print("Changed size of the class")
local currentSize = v.Size.X.Scale
local remainingSize = math.abs(0.275 - currentSize)
local duration = (remainingSize / 0.025) / 4
ChangeSize(v, UDim2.new(0.275, 0, 0.935, 0), duration, stop)
table.insert(connections, v.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
if not stop then
print(not stop)
if passes[v.Name] then
if MarketPlaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(player, passes[v.Name]) then
ticketInfos.class = v.Name
print("Changed class")
MarketPlaceService:PromptPurchase(player, passes[v.Name])
ticketInfos.class = v.Name
stop = true
print("Stop variable has been set to true")
-- Disconnect all connections when stop is set to true
for _, connection in pairs(connections) do
repeat wait() until stop
local currentPos = screen.Passeport.Position.X.Scale
local remainingPos = math.abs(0 - currentPos)
local duration = remainingPos / 1 / 2
ShowGui(screen.Passeport, UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.5, 0), 5)
TweenService:Create(screen.LoadingScreen.Chargement, TweenInfo.new(0.6, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0, true), {TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
screen.LoadingScreen.Chargement.Text = "Veuillez scanner votre passeport"
So, after many help from the bot of the Roblox Studio Discord server, I finally understood why it does that, it is because of the fact that when you use :Connect() , it doesn’t run instanly after being called, here’s the bot message :
This delay you are experiencing is likely due to the way Roblox processes events. When you connect a function to an event using :Connect(), it doesn’t execute immediately. Instead, it gets added to a queue of functions waiting to be executed.
If you need to ensure that the variable is updated instantly after changing it, you can consider restructuring your code to directly call a function that updates the variable instead of relying on event connections.
If you provide more details or code snippets, I can offer more specific advice on how to address this issue.
And that fixed the issue, I just made new normal functions, thanks for the help you all provided.