(Functional Use Updated) Pbr Raytracing Type Reflections

Ive been messing around with PBR and I realised that sense PBR reflects light, I could potentially use it as a form of raytracing (RTX) and maybe I could make it reflect parts, so ive been messing around with light, reflections and colors and ive figured out how to pull off a simple rtx with a few surface appearence maps ive made, it can reflect any color other than black, it works by creating some very dim lights inside of the part then using that to make a kind of rtx

Not only works with Spheres!

How it works:


How I fixed it.

hopefully roblox allows pbr reflections on parts in the future!



That is some fire work it looks really I could potentially see this being used on very detailed games

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Thanks! ill share the source with you if you wish.

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also here is a simple picture displaying the seepage for a more detailed reflection (using Pointlights and Surface lights.)


this can be applied to the fixed version in my post (for all around reflections)

(Edit: also uses some scripts to make a fake surfaceappearence on the point of the surface light to add texture and allow for a rtx effect)


ive figured out how to do PTGI Path traced global illumination:

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I honestly love it… Can you guide me on how to do it please?

good job i will love to see a game with this!

Here is a simple tutorial!

  1. Create a Meshpart
    Right click then press insert object, search for MeshPart and click on MeshPart

  2. Create a surfaceappearence
    right click on the mesh part in explorer and insert object then
    insert a surfaceappearence.

  3. click on the surfaceappearence and head to properties
    in properties there are multiple properties which include:
    ColorMap - The Colors / Texture applied as an overlay
    MetalnessMap - Helps produce a shine effect
    NormalMap - Generates a illusion of height (lighting,
    RoughnessMap - Creates Shading (shadows etc)

  4. Head to properties and in the “Metalness Map” put your mapping texture
    (the one used above is Images/newsetone - Roblox )
    this image creates a distortion effect to help make a realistic “Snow” or “Water” type effect
    Darker Colors create shading and reflect less light and atmosphere.
    [A simple image without ANY distortion is Images/NoDistortion - Roblox ]

  5. [MOST IMPORTANT STEP] Head to lighting and in Properties switch the technology to Future.

  6. Have Fun! If you are still having trouble with this you can get my free model which includes everything you need!
    PbrRTX (Original) - Roblox
    [Remember! Pbr Reflects light, not parts - so you have to impliment light into each part slowly to get this to work!
    my example includes a simple example]


my game already uses this! test it out here: Aftermath Pre-Beta Testing (testing closed) - Roblox

if im not wrong you used carbon engine no?

Thanks :smile:
I highly appreciate it!