Sorry new to devforum so this might be all over the place
I’ve had this issue quite often and is usually a put off for many of my games but there’s never any posts about it on devforum.
I’m trying to make a game mechanic where you can print little pieces of paper with a text on them etc. by making new blocks with (it works by giving the player a little gui to input the text and from there they can press enter to print said text from the printer).
The printer works totally fine on the first go and when the text is input a block with text is output, but after the first use different amounts of paper start coming out of the printer simultaneously instead of just the one (increasing each time something is printed).
I think the root of the problem stems from the printer being run server-side and the gui having to be run client-side. I’ll leave screen recordings and code below, there’s no issues in the output.
Server script vvv
local debounce = false
-- to make sure it cant be clicked multiple times ^^^
if not debounce then
debounce = true
local printGui = script.Parent.PrintGui:Clone()
-- there's a gui in the script that gets put into the player vvv
printGui.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
game.ReplicatedStorage.PrinterOutcome.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, outcome, printText)
-- the printer outcome is for the communication between the server script and client. The outcome itself is to detect if the GUI is closed or a text is entered, and the text is the text from the textbox. ^^^
if plr == player then
if outcome == 'print' then
if printText ~= 'Type Here' then
-- 'type here' is the default text ^^^
-- sound ^^^
-- making the paper vvv
local paper ="Part")
local surfGui = script.SurfaceGui:Clone()
local text ="TextLabel")
--the drag detector and surface gui had really complex properties that i wasnt bothered to code so i just put them in the script to clone
local dragDetector = script.DragDetector:Clone()
dragDetector.Parent = paper
surfGui.Parent = paper
text.Parent = surfGui
text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
text.TextScaled = true
text.Text = printText
paper.Size =, 0.13, 1.175)
paper.Parent = workspace
paper.Anchored = true
-- to spawn the paper in the printer vvv
paper.CFrame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.SpawnPart.CFrame
paper.Anchored = false
paper.Name = 'PrintPaper'
--paper sound ^^^
debounce = false
-- to make sure the function can't be spammed ^^^
elseif outcome == 'close' then
-- wasn't too sure what to do here but it worked
debounce = false
Local script vvv
local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
-- for when the text is entered and sent to the printer
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return then
-- deciding outcome vvv
local outcome = 'print'
game.ReplicatedStorage.PrinterOutcome:FireServer(outcome, script.Parent.TextBox.Text)
-- destroying the gui so it goes off the screen vv
-- there's an X button on the screen that allows the player to close the tab
local outcome = 'close'
game.ReplicatedStorage.PrinterOutcome:FireServer(outcome, script.Parent.TextBox.Text)
-- sends the outcome to the server script etc.
I’m really grateful with any response to this post as it’s an issue I’ve been having for quite some time. I’m not sure if it’s a problem with how I’ve been doing it but I would really appreciate any help.
File upload wasn’t working so here’s a link to the screen recording:
**There’s delay because there’s a sound that you probably wont be able to hear on the video but it plays in the game.
Really long post but I’d really appreciate some help.