I’m working on adding Funnel Events to my game. More specifically, I want to see at what stage of my game the player leaves. I won’t get into specifics, but to make it simple, think of it as an Obby game. Many players are leaving, and I want to know at what stage. This is so I can make changes to potentially overly tricky stages. Below is how I’m doing it, and as you can see, while it works, it’s not elegant. I’d rather have a graph close to what I’ve sketched in MS Paint below. Is this possible, or do you have any other recommendations? All help is appreciated. Thanks!
Server-Sided Script:
local AnalyticsService = game:GetService("AnalyticsService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Stage = player.leaderstats.Stage.Value
"PlayerLeavingStage", -- Event name
Creator Hub Funnels Page:
What I’m ideally looking for:
(I know exactly this is not possible, I’m just looking for anyone with experience who can get me as close as possible to this sort of organization.)