Hey guys i just set up some funnel events for my FNAF Nightmare game however Im having trouble viewing the data. I have a function which I call to save recurring funnels, and I have confirmed that it fires, but I am not seeing any data in my dashboard:
This is my script which saves recurring funnels
local function recurring(plr, FunnelName, StepNumber)
local userData = plrsData[plr.UserId]
local funnelData = userData[FunnelName]
local stepName = funnelData["Steps"][StepNumber]
local currentStep = funnelData["Current"]
local FunnelId
if StepNumber ~= currentStep then
-- set current to step
funnelData["Current"] = StepNumber
-- set to primary path
userData["CurrentPrimaryPath"] = FunnelName
-- generate an id if nessessary
if StepNumber == 1 then
funnelData["Id"] = HttpService:GenerateGUID()
-- save
AnalyticsService:LogFunnelStepEvent(plr, FunnelName, funnelData["Id"], StepNumber, stepName)
This function connects to my outside tables which outlines the different paths:
plrsData[plr.UserId] = {
["CurrentPrimaryPath"] = nil,
["Donation"] = {
["Steps"] = {
[1] = "Hovered On Donate",
[2] = "Opened Donation Menu",
[3] = "Hovered on Buy",
[4] = "Purchased",
[5] = "Leave Game",
["Current"] = 0,
["Id"] = nil
["Non Automatic Gameplay"] = {
["Steps"] = {
[1] = "Hovered on Play",
[2] = "Started Gameplay",
[3] = "Reached Halfway Point",
[4] = "Completed Night",
[5] = "Leave Game",
["Current"] = 0,
["Id"] = nil
["Automatic Gameplay"] = {
["Steps"] = {
[1] = "Started Loading",
[2] = "Started Gameplay",
[3] = "Reached Halfway Point",
[4] = "Completed Night",
[5] = "Leave Game",
["Current"] = 0,
["Id"] = nil
But when I look instead my dashboard I dont see any events:
Do you guys know what I might be doing wrong which prevents funnel events from showing up?