Funny Icon Rating On A Scale From 1-10

So I made this Icon

for my vert immature game called MOM!!11! and I want you all to rate how funny the Icon and this thumbnail look like

the game is still a WIP (work in progress) game tbh but yea still tell me how much you like it on a scale from 1 - 10 or just vote in this poll

  • 0-2.5 (not funny)
  • 2.5-5 (moderate funny)
  • 5-7.5 (I laughed a bit at it)
  • 7.5-10 (its FUNNY LOL)

0 voters


i may be the only person holding this opinion first, but the few discouraging things in this is the font and the lack of context. not much idea on what’s going on and the Ms seem a little too loopy (i’d settle on plain old arial font imho) but other than that, i would definitely play this game gj (:

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thank you for that and yea its still a WIP i am working on it but thanks when it realeses properly ill send u a link