Future is Bright Phase 3 Released

I would agree, I only get about 5-7 FPS more than before in my map, Abandoned Facility Revamp (Up from 15-20 FPS to 17-27 FPS), still bad enough to render it unplayable.

Could you decrease the range at which specular highlights show? Its silly to see them like 4k studs away. It probably would help perf too.

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From what I saw, it did not fix the flickering lights. Plus whatever you guys shipped with the update also messed up the skybox.
Flickering Lights are still not fixed (1.6 MB)


I recommend to send the place file (you could dm it to them if you want to if you dont want anyone else accessing it) where it happens so he or she can see what’s going on. Videos and pictures wont help if he or she doesn’t have any way to reproduce your issue, or access the game that its occurring to diagnose the problem.

i didn’t say we flipped the flags. the version that has them all is not out yet but its coming. i’ll post when everything is on


Oh. Then what happened to the skybox? Also, please don’t say that the “optimization” to many lights in a single area is just turning off shadows.

If you want them to investigate what happened to the skybox send a .rblx for him to download so he can diagnose the issue. They won’t know what’s going on if you dont give him that and cant fix your issue. Instead of ignoring what I said before just send it and reproduction steps if you can.

For performance. The specular highlights range is depending on the graphics level.

In my opinion, the specular highlights in max graphics seems to be too far. On shadowmap. That’s good enough. On future, it’s not good. The sun shadows are fine but all point lights will all be rendered differently. It’s not really a good range since the radius seems to far for a player to see. If there was a way for the lighting to fall back to shadowmap at certain ranges, and the sun shadows falling back to voxel. This would be performance friendly.

But implementing this feature would take in more complex work onto it.

Also before that fix gets shipped on the flickering lights and performance issues, hopefully future Lighting wouldn’t have to suffer more issues after that.

I know, I read your first message and I don’t think I want to because it contains animation data and I don’t feel like risking something I worked on for this.

Ok then just delete it and everything else you don’t want risking so they can diagnose your issue and you dont risk anything

the flags were flipped, hopefully most of the major issues should be addressed now. if not - do not hesitate to report what’s left and we’ll see what we can do. thank you so much for being patient!


performance render fidelity isn’t great for preserving object shapes so all kinds of things can happen. in general i think people should aim to use default fidelity


Talking of performance, in a recent test taken yesterday, performance has only improved slightly, from 19 FPS to 26 FPS average in one of my games. Unfortunately, I had to revert back to Shadowmap because it’s still not the best with performance. None of my light sources have Light.Shadows enabled by the way.

EDIT: To clarify, the place receives a smooth 120 FPS in Shadowmap.

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So sorry with this really late reply but there’s still shadow artifacts and the blocky shadows on surface lights. And performance isn’t really that great with shadows off.


With this update, we will be able to make more realistic games in Roblox and our eye pleasure will witness even better games, i think all issues have been fixed. To show examples of an excellent update;



Future is Bright:

(Sorry for late reply but that’s great)


You can use the command bar to easily change all concrete materials to a different material so it shouldn’t be an issue for you

That would ruin the aesthetic of the game. I don’t see why we should be forced to change the materials of our builds when Roblox could provide an option or property to control the reflections on the materials.
(old post by the way, we’ve actually gone ahead and reworked the entire game to fit the lighting nicely :slight_smile:)


Roblox and Roblox Studio both have some type of check it runs to detect if you have a powerful enough graphics card to actually have access to better graphics. I have a mac with 512 MB of outdated graphics and even if I set the graphics to max, I’m only able to get Voxel lighting to render, ShadowMap doesn’t work for me.


Hey, so do you know when this may be released on mobile?

Idea: Release it now, but only on Graphics 10, turning it down even to 9 turns Future Lighting off.

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I mean future lighting is already pretty intensive on PC hardware so try taking that and putting it on mobile hardware. I’d imagine only higher-end mobile devices that can already run Roblox on graphics level 10 would be able to handle it so that’s why you don’t see it on 9 and below