Future is Bright Phase 3 Released

Yes, I still want to see it on mobile soon. I’d also like optimization to be a top priority for Roblox staff.


Made an apartment setting for a animation I did recently and it really shows what you can do with FiB Phase 3.


I’m having rather severe memory leaks after the latest studio update (or at least they were never as problematic, this got bad just 2-3 days ago).

The moment I enter the rendering range of any lights while using Future lighting, studio memory usage keeps going up, having around 30 lights makes it increase by 1-4MB per second. Getting out of the rendering range or switching to another lighting system stops it, however it doesn’t clear the already used memory. I have reinstalled studio and the problem persists, I have tried my other places, it doesn’t make any difference. This issue has also been confirmed by another developer.

My system specs:
Windows 7 64-bit
Intel core i7-6700k
NVIDIA GeForce GTX-960

Here’s the log if it can be of any help: 0.481.1.423973_20210605T204225Z_Studio_D62A3_last.log (70.5 KB)


I haven’t had any memory leaks, but I’ve had a lot of performance issues. Performance wise, every light is like a thousand parts, if not more.


It’s incredibly how garbage the Roblox engine is, for example look at unity, a simple game engine, but somehow it can support better graphics, better physics, better everything with less performance decrease.


I’ve contacted vrtblox again in PMs because I made a few more Models that cause lag.

Hopefully optimization comes soon.


I feel like Roblox should make something called Roblox Studio 2 or something, where they’re rewriting nearly everything, including graphics and physics since they’re too bad at the moment to be in a over a decade-old engine


I think they’re already doing something like that.

David Baszucki’s status says “Playing with ROBLOX Studio 2.0”


I mean, UE4 has a better lighting system than Roblox, and it’s nowhere bear as laggy. Go into it and place like 222 directional lights; no lag. Yet FIB3 lags with a measly 15 surfacelights.


It probably has to do with the fact that Roblox is 32-bit software, meaning it can only access 4gb of ram. Although Studio is 64-bit, so I wouldn’t understand if it also lagged with the same amount in Studio.


They still just use your cpu and don’t use your gpu lol.


15? That’s high-end type things, when I run 5 lights I can barely run my game correctly.


They weren’t speaking about GPU.

Then how are you able to render things like this if Roblox only utilizes the CPU?

There’s no way I would be able to run this on a Core i5-10400K on max graphics. Just look at the amount of instances.

Just to show how performance heavy this is, I’m using a GTX 1660 Super and get FPS dips down to 19.

I’m tired of seeing these types of claims being brought up because there’s literally no proof or evidence backing this up. Please do research on these types of things to avoid the possibility of misinforming others.


It also depends on the hardware you’re using. I was able to run this animation at a consistent 60 fps with 21 lights, as well as many other surrounding lights not visible in the animation.


Why do so much people believe this false claim. It’s so easy to disprove. Just open task manager, play a game and you’ll see your gpu spike up in usage. Litterly in the performance stats its showing you how long its taking the GPU and CPU to finish each frame.


Most PCs will begin to lag at about 20 lights, which is already a terrible thing if you consider that Jailbreak has ~800 lights. It’s clear that the rendering team needs to sit down and think "how can we make this at least 200x more performant?

For comparison, UE4 allows for many more light actors than FIB3 until you hit 20FPS.


Yeah, my old pc I had like 5 lights it was already lagging and glitching. Plus not everyone has the same computer, so yeah. They should fix the preformance of future lighting. Because your computer might run fine on 21 lights @A_SquaredAnimations, but for others it might be different


Also important to note that 21 lights is next to nothing. That would cover at most half a house. If you wanted to get very realistic, my living room has 25 lights that I can count (6 spotlights with 3 light units and a few devices).


Jailbreak uses ShadowMap lighting, so only the Sun can cast shadows, the lights are 4³ voxels so they’re pretty performant. Also, the rendering team has found ways to better optimize lights such as slowing the rate at which lights update when there’s too many lights in a single area.

I can’t really think of any other way Roblox could optimize these lights except for revising code or switching from dynamic lighting to a LightMap or texture for lights that are far from the player’s view.

I understand. I pointed out to @vrs2210 that it mostly depends on the hardware of your computer. Future lighting was mostly a push for realism on Roblox and not many front page games use it, so unless it was a core mechanic in a game or switching lighting would provide an unfair advantage or disadvantage to others, it’s not really a problem.

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