Future is Bright Phase 3 Released

In some cases I guess so, but in most, darker AO actually defines ground contact in shadowed areas.

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FIB Shadow’s bug…

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I’m pretty sure it’s caused by one of their “optimizations” to Future lighting.

we need lightmaps pls roblox


Yep, light leaking is occurring in lots of builds, I noticed that’s my build too in the clip!!

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Lightmaps would never work with Roblox. You would be stuck for a long time downloading lighting data (especially for users with poor internet or if the lightmap was really high-res) so it really only works for games that you only have to download once. Also high-res textures are memory hogs so this would literally block out users with less available memory from playing your game.


Lightmaps could be optional for players.


Being able to toggle between lightmaps and dynamic lighting doesn’t solve the issues of either system not to mention devising such an option would be a hard task anyway with little reward.

Besides I’m pretty sure not too many people outside of game dev know what a “lightmap” is, and the options presented in the roblox menu are supposed to be simple and easy to understand anyway (which is why Graphics Quality is a slider and not broken down into individual options) so it would just go against that too.


What if they added an option so a light would cast shadows from anchored objects for a brief moment and then it would stop updating shadows indefinitely, thus creating a “pseudo” lightmap. This would be client sided and would occur when someone first joins the server or when certain light properties are changed/enabled.

Still doesn’t help the fact that this stuff takes time to compute, especially with tons of lights or even if you’re on a mobile device. What if a light decides to randomly change its range too? Are you willing to let performance drop like crazy just to compute lighting effects for one light? Are you willing to lose dynamic shadows cast from lights as well? And what about specular highlights?

The fact is, while baked lighting is more performant at runtime, it’s also a lot more restrictive with what you can do with it. Moving objects won’t be able to cast baked shadows and also you still have to figure out how to blend real-time shadows cast from dynamic objects with lightmap not to mention computation time and memory usage.

It’s going to progressively generate just like how a Roblox place generates. Whenever you join a game you can still see terrain, objects, meshes and UI load in. Everything’s progressive so it won’t have any more impact on performance than loading into a place already has now.

Remember when I said, “What if they added an option”? A person gets to choose what lights will be dynamic or not.

Once again, if a light’s shadows stop updating indefinitely, it will not be updated until told otherwise, so there’s barely going to be an impact on performance. This idea is simply branching off the fact that local lights can update slowly.

That was literally the whole point of my reply. :neutral_face: Also it seems like you would prefer a light to not cast any shadows, over a light that would cast shadows from only static objects?

Also, what’s wrong with baked lighting? Games with them can still look good.

Specular highlights will still be present since it’s still a normal light.

Again, I’m not talking about baked lighting, I’m talking about freezing the update time of local lights casting shadows, so it BEHAVES like a lightmap.

I know? Why would I present an idea which I have little to no knowledge about?

Not really, just don’t have dynamic objects cast shadows, not really a big deal.

I’m starting to think that you skimmed though my last reply…


Kinda managed to get Cel Shading to work in Roblox.

There’s still a fair bit of issues with this though.


Scene is too bright, turn it down

But if this is good enough it can serve as a replacement for ao broken in fib3


Can’t turn it down, that’s a primary factor in achieving outdoor cel shading. I’m still trying to find a workaround to that.


Hey @vrtblox @zeuxcg! A bug has started occurring with impostor (I.e, meshes with LoD > 1) meshes, where their shadows would completely break.

This issue only occurs with Future lighting - I got the above results on max graphics level, but it’s reproducible on any graphics level so long shadows are enabled.

Reproduction place (simply press play and observe the tree LoD):
ShadowLoDBug.rbxl (35.0 KB)

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Does this happen with shadowmap to?

I’ve stated it only works with Future lighting in the message.

Oh okay, I think this was caused by the optimization’s…not quite sure

Another shadow-related bug: updating Camera.FieldOfView causes visible shadow stuttering. This issue is reproducible on both ShadowMap and Future lighting.

I’m unsure if there is any way to fix this, but it is a very visible bug, especially for games like ours that rely on animating the Camera’s FieldOfView when a player sprints/walks.

Code & place file used to reproduce the above

FOVShadowBug.rbxl (31.6 KB)

The below code is simply ran in the command bar.

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local CurrentFOV = Camera.FieldOfView

for n = -30, 30 do
    CurrentFOV += 0.05 * math.sign(n) 
    Camera.FieldOfView = CurrentFOV

cc. @vrtblox


thanks, we’ll see what can be done with this


I have encountered a bug with Future lighting. It occurs both in studio and in-game. I am not sure if this has been reported.

When you try to duplicate a light (Either SpotLight or PointLight) with Shadows enabled, the dupe light doesn’t seem to have any shadows. Trying to move the light and placing it in the same position again causes the shadows of the light to glitch. Also trying to adjust the settings slightly and back to normal causes the light to not even appear. This doesn’t happen to SurfaceLights somehow.

Keep in mind, both the glass and the small black part has CastShadow disabled. There are no very close parts blocking the light.

No dupe:

With dupe:

Dupe light after moving it a bit and back to the original position: