"Future is Bright" Testing

Hey! I’m currently working on a game called Fishing Life. I recently switched over to FiB for the planned next update and wanted to show you the work I did with it (before and after).



Enjoy! (And if you want to check out the game, we’d greatly appreciate it! Still in the very early phases though… Fishing Life [β] - Roblox)


Spectacular I really like the reflections and the rays coming from the crystals really makes them look like they’re worth something :joy:


Looks nice! I would make the ambient lighting much darker so the shadows are deeper and more visible.

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The before just looks like standard low-poly building, but then after it looks incredible! :slight_smile:


This is great! A suggestion I have is to play around with the shadows to make the crystals really shine! Give it the ambiance to feel like a cave and I think this will look even more spectacular!

As for the lobby for the game, it seems a bit too big and too overwhelming for the player to take in, so I recommend trying to occupy that space of maybe shrinking it up a bit more.

The game concept it self is great! It doesn’t give the same vibe as fishing simulator which is good. I feel like it needs tutorial though.

Yep, Tutorial is coming in the next update as well! Thanks for the feedback though! :slight_smile:

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