Future Lighting - Lamp Post Point Light Broken


I am having some issues with my lamp posts functioning correctly using the future lighting setting. While I am aware that this feature is not releasing until the future, and there are updates still being made to it, I figure it is worth the time now to develop my game with it in mind. That being said, my light posts are not functioning correctly.

Included are some screenshots of the lamp post in both future, and shadow map. The glass has a transparency of .5. If you need other information, please ask and I will be happy to provide. Thanks!


Shadow Map

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future makes the lighting very different try making the brightness on the lamp much higher.

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I figured out a temporary solution, if I move the lighting brick down it works suddenly, it must of had something to do with the base the light part was sitting on. It is a temporary solution, but a solution. I am open to other solutions too.

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You could either make the brightness higher or try and uncheck the cast shadow option on the bricks of the lamp, that might be a problem

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maybe the range wasn’t high enough.

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Turning off shadows worked, and I think I like this solution more, as it allows the underside of the lamp to be lit too.


And a little extra too

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Had this problem too for a while! I believe that this is happening because the lighting is becoming more realistic! Here’s one of the ways I’ve been able to fix this:

  1. Create the lamp.
  2. Select the light part. (Most likely going to be the neon part you use in your light.) and add an Attachment. You should now have a little green circle in the center of your light part.
  3. Add a Point Light (Or any type of light, really) into the attachment. If future lighting is enabled, and the attachment is still inside the light part, nothing should light up. However I don’t know for sure.
  4. Move the attachment to a location where it lights up the spot you want it to light up. The light will follow the attachment.

SIDE NOTE: Be careful! If you move the attachment too far away from the light part then the shadows might not make sense. If a player walks between the attachment and the light part then they will notice that the light is not actually coming from the light part.
THIS CAN BE FIXED: To fix this, disable shadows on the sport light (or any type of light that you used.) However there is a down side to doing this. The shadows might not look as good and your build might be ruined. I do not suggest doing this.

Hope this helped!

Example Image

You can see that in this image the attachment is above the assumed light source.


I think I will use this solution, I’ll post updates tomorrow. This seems like the best of both worlds!

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