Future Lighting Not Working

I Need Future Lighting to Work Properly

Clients do not see the same thing.
I have had multiple people join my game to see what the issue is but everyone has different results. I have narrowed it down to it being something with future lighting.

Solutions I Have Tried:
-I have tried changing almost every single thing with the lighting but it seems to be an ambiance problem. If your Ambient is dark it just breaks on other people’s clients.
-Turning your graphics quality down also seems to help fix the issue?

Possible Issue:
-Darker the ambient the more severe it seems to get…
-Seems to be an older graphics card issue.
-Only happens above graphics level 3 (When future lighting is enabled)

My screen (What it is supposed to look like):

Tester One’s screen:

Tester Two’s screen:

Here are the settings I have so you can replicate the issue I am having:

New Video:

Everything else I have kelp on default. Can anyone please help me solve this issue? I was going to post in the Engine Bugs channel but unfortunately, I do not have perms to do so.


People in other forum posts suggested that going to File>Studio Settings>Rending>GraphicsMode and changing it from your current setting to Vulkan can solve this issue but it depends on if your graphics card supports it (mine does not). Someone else in another forum post suggested reverting your studio version to a previous version but this requires third-party software (at your own risk, https://github.com/MaximumADHD/Roblox-Studio-Mod-Manager). You can also change the File>Studio Settings>Rending>EditorQualityLevel to about 4-6 (depending on the issues each level brings) or lower and suffer a lower quality until the bug is fixed. You can also change your lighting to ShadowMap temporarily until the bug is fixed.


Just updated some more stuff on here. This is still a problem but seems to be more of a graphics card/graphics level issue. Still would like a fix for the Roblox Player side of things.

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