I Need Future Lighting to Work Properly
Clients do not see the same thing.
I have had multiple people join my game to see what the issue is but everyone has different results. I have narrowed it down to it being something with future lighting.
Solutions I Have Tried:
-I have tried changing almost every single thing with the lighting but it seems to be an ambiance problem. If your Ambient is dark it just breaks on other people’s clients.
-Turning your graphics quality down also seems to help fix the issue?
Possible Issue:
-Darker the ambient the more severe it seems to get…
-Seems to be an older graphics card issue.
-Only happens above graphics level 3 (When future lighting is enabled)
My screen (What it is supposed to look like):
Tester One’s screen:
Tester Two’s screen:
Here are the settings I have so you can replicate the issue I am having:
New Video:
Everything else I have kelp on default. Can anyone please help me solve this issue? I was going to post in the Engine Bugs channel but unfortunately, I do not have perms to do so.