Future lighting problem

I have point lights and they somehow create those patterns on ANY MATERIAL (probably because of PBR)
When I move the light downwards patterns disappear

How do I fix this?

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Just create small invisible part put point light into it and put it down.

that’s not a solution. It will work but also create unwanted shadows & stuff

Then try to add invisible part and put it near top

that will cause the same problem I’ve mentioned before

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It appears that you are using Future lighting with the direction of the light pointing upwards. Is this true?

Just use SurfaceLight so it will only emit light on a certain face


It is a point light so it points everywhere

You can add an invisible part with the point light near the light model and turn cast shadows off in the light model to prevent the weird shadows. Or just use a spot or surface lights on the light model instead of a point light.

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Oh, okay. I would recommend using a different light instead as others have mentioned.