Hello there! I have a question regarding the future lighting technology: Is there a way to diminish the lag which it creates? I first noticed it when I started working on a baseplate for the purpose of testing the new lighting technology, and it caused a somewhat big amount of lag in the game. Don’t get me wrong, the lag could also exist for me due to my device’s performance (which is in fact a MacBook) but I heard other people too complaining about the lag which the future lighting technology creates.
If anyone knows how you could potentially reduce the lag which this lighting technology creates, please let me know in the comments! Thank you, have a splendid day!
Sadly, that is just how Future works. Future calculates shadows based on the Sun, Workspace Lights, and shape of objects. ShadowMap would be better for you… however it only calculates shadows based on the Sun’s Position.
Maybe try adding SunRays into Lighting. Future requires a pretty beefy gpu.
Tbh though, ShadowMap is just as good. Here is a pic from my game on Future:
I have the same issue. I had to unfortunately make the switch to ShadowMap on my office building because of tremendous levels of lag, and my PC is pretty good. I also am very cautious about other users’ devices, so I just decided to switch to ShadowMap. It sucks that Future looks so good but has such terrible performance. Even Minecraft RTX does better.
Your response on a “Beefy GPU” is high across the guard.
Roblox is CPU intensive, including graphical components. Future is actually LESS laggy than ShadowMap because ShadowMap uses more usage to try to virtualize shadows (Even out of the field of view, also optimizes Sunrays), but future uses less to actually only render shadows that should be in view and render only with a lighting source, Future should not be laggy unless the game you’re creating contains a harmful model, or your computer needs an upgrade.
Oh and by the way, Minecraft RTX uses GPU also RTX is on the bedrock edition, and if you’re running bedrock edition on a Windows 10 machine It will optimize your performance.
Simulation is basically blocks. All physics, parts (Position/CFrame information, color and data), are first transmitted through the CPU. Then the GPU will render it out and will send it to your monitor.
Same thing applies to shadows. If you have a weaker CPU than your GPU you’ll experience FPS drops even probably with an RTX card.
Lets say you have an RTX 2090 and a Intel Core i3-10100 4-Core Processor. Since the CPU is less powerful than the GPU itself. You will not experience very good FPS.
actually, a i3-10100 4-Core Processor is a 4 core 8thread processor, with a base frequency of 3.6GHz, that’s more than enough to run Roblox, considering my 8gen laptop core i7 is running at 2gh base and turboing to around 3.5GHz in game. However, the gpu is in the 99-100% utilization range, and that is a gtx 970. Now it would be different if the cpu was a dule core or the boost frequency was sub 2GHz, then the cpu would be the bottleneck. So the performance hit is caused by high gpu usage and not the cpu.
Honestly, the best way to diminish the FPS drops that future comes with is to try and give studios less to load and render. The fewer shadows and simpler your lighting is the easier it’ll be to render. Keep that in mind when doing interiors with strongly dependent shadows. There is no real way to eliminate future’s FPS drops completely but there are optimization options for example;
As stated above, creating fewer shadows with your point lights, surface lights, spotlights etc…
Turning the “Shadows” property off inside your lights.
Instead of having multiple smaller point-lights try increasing the range on lights to better light your room.