Futuretops API (English)

Futuretops: Futuretops v2.08 - Roblox

Place template:
Futuretops - Template - Roblox

Step 1:
You need to open the “Place template” which I left up here, this will make you work less. (You will just only modify 3 things)

Step 2:
Search the Script located in ‘game.ServerScriptService’. This one is called ‘Futuretops’

Step 3:
Edit the variables inside the script, you can find these ones in the configuration of your server with only clicking ‘CONFIGURE SERVER’

Step 4:
With the configuration in your hand

Open the script and edit the variables

(These 3 ones are needed, without this the Teleport won’t work)
‘Servername’ (Editing this variable is optional, it’s only a sample)

‘PasswordAPI’ It can be modified from the Configuration of the server
(If you change this, the servers you configured with the older password will stop working)

Once you did all of this, when you join this will teleport you to your server without any problem.

(Sample place which is Uncopylocked A-NEXO Tops - Roblox)

Any questions or problem, contact me (Disc: ‘Pablo#3999’)


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